Although pumpkins are available year-round, pumpkin bread is often associated with fall. The golden bread is not only a pretty addition to your party, it is also delicious. Do you also want to know how to bake savory pumpkin bread?
You can make rolls with one part of the dough and sandwich bread with the other - there are different options! This recipe is easy and every member of your family will love the bread!
Surprise your family with this homemade pumpkin bread like from the bakery -you should get the recipedefinitely try it out!
- 375g pumpkin puree (made from skinned, chopped and roasted pumpkin until soft, then pureed in a blender or food processor)
- 15g fresh yeast
- 10 g fine sea salt
- 300g white flour
- 150g water
1. Take a large bowl and pour the pumpkin puree into it. Mix in the remaining ingredients (fresh yeast can be crumbled into the flour; however, it should not come into contact with the salt as this will kill the yeast).
2. Be careful with the water at first - you may need less or more of it. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky.
3. Knead on speed 1 until well mixed and then on speed 2 for a further 5 minutes or until the dough is fully mixed and feels smooth and supple if using a hand mixer.
4. You can adjust the amount of water until the dough reaches the desired soft and slightly sticky consistency. You can correct a sloppy dough caused by adding too much water by adding flour until you have a soft dough. The dough should not be too wet as the water content of the pumpkin will further hydrate the flour.
5. Cover the dough with a large plastic bag or greased plastic wrap and let it rise to double in size.
6. Then knead the dough on a floured surface and shape it as desired: you can roll the loaf or flatten it. Place the loaf on an oiled tray and cover with oiled cling film. Let it rest until it has grown to one and a half times its size.
7. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
8. To prepare the bread for baking, use a sharp knife to cut a few slits in the top. This tells the bread where to expand during its final growth spurt in the oven so that it doesn't split at its weakest point and produce an unsightly result.
9. Place a bowl on the bottom of the oven into which you can carefully pour 200 - 250 ml of water. The steam is the best way for your bread to rise. Place the loaf in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. At the end of the baking time, the bottom of the bread should be hollow. Place the pumpkin bread on a cooling rack to allow the heat to escape.
Also interesting:Bake Sweet Pumpkin Bread: A delicious pumpkin bread recipe made without yeast!