Grilling corn on the cob (without pre-cooking): recipes for crunchy side dishes with marinade

They are easy to prepare and the perfect accompaniment to grilled food: corn on the cob. Whether marinated with a sweet note or salty with barbecue sauce: we have the best recipes for grilled corn. If you want to grill corn on the cob but want to avoid the time-consuming pre-cooking, then read on!

Grilling corn on the cob, but doing it right: How long does raw sweet corn take?

For Americans, grilled corn on the cob is part of their grilled food. But the delicacy is also enjoying increasing popularity in Germany. However, the method of preparation is different - in the USA, corn cobs are grilled with the husk on and remain juicy. In this country they are grilled without the skin and then have a crunchy side dish. Depending on which variant you choose, the preparation time can also vary.

Grill fresh corn cobs with the husk on

First, the corn is washed thoroughly under running water, including the leaves and hair. In the meantime, the grill is preheated to 200° Celsius. The corn hairs are carefully removed. The corn cobs and the leaves are placed in a clean bucket and cold water is poured over them. You should stay there for about 25 minutes. This will prevent the leaves from burning. The corn cobs are then brushed with marinade and grilled uncovered for about 20 minutes. You have to turn them often.

Grill corn on the cob without the husk

Alternatively, you can also use the corn on the cobGrill without peel. To do this, remove leaves and hairs and wash the corn cobs. Preheat the grill to 180° Celsius and place a grill tray under the corn cob so that it can catch any leftover marinade. The corn cobs are grilled for about 15 to 20 minutes, turning them often. You can brush them with marinade about 5 minutes before the end of the grilling time.

How to shorten the grilling time: Grill corn on the cob in aluminum foil

If this grilling time is too long for you, you can wrap the corn cobs in aluminum foil instead. The advantage of this method is that the corn stays crisp and fresh and can absorb the marinade better. The corn cobs are washed and then brushed with marinade. The grill is now preheated to 220° Celsius. The marinated corn cobs are loosely wrapped with aluminum foil. Make several holes with a knife so that the hot air can circulate freely through the foil. The corn cobs are grilled for 12 to 15 minutes.

Of course, corn on the cob is delicious even without a marinade. However, you can season them with a marinade so that they go well with the grilled food. We offer three icing recipes that are sure to get you compliments.

Marinade with dill and lemon for vegetarian dishes and grilled salads

The quantities given are enough for 6 ears of corn. This glaze is prepared quickly and easily. You need the following ingredients:

  • 4 tsp butter, unsalted and softened
  • pinch of salt
  • Prise Pfeffer
  • 1 tsp dill, fresh, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

First put the butter in a small bowl and mash it with a fork. Then add the spices and stir well. Salt, season with pepper and pour the lemon juice into the bowl. Stir well until a smooth mixture forms. Brush the corn cobs with the glaze either shortly before the end of the grilling time or immediately afterwards. If the corn cobs are prepared in aluminum foil, they can be left to marinate for 20 minutes.

Marinated corn as a side dish with seafood and fish

The second recipe is for marinade, traditionally used to season seafood and fish. The spice mix contains, among other things:

  • 2 tsp Paprika
  • 1 TL Selleriepulver
  • 1 tsp ground mustard seeds
  • 1/2 TL Pfeffer
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • Cayenne-Pfeffer plug
  • 4 teaspoons butter, soft and unsalted

The preparation is very simple: put the butter in a bowl and stir in the spices. If desired, you can melt the butter in a water bath.

Barbecue marinade for the perfect accompaniment to steak

The barbecue marinade is a true classic from the USA. There, the barbecue marinade is traditionally served with steak. We offer you a recipe for glaze with honey sauce. To do this, simply mix half a chopped chili pepper with 2 tablespoons of warm honey and a pinch of salt with 4 tablespoons of melted butter and then brush it on the corn cobs.

Marinade for corn on the cob with garlic and lime

The absolute classic, but with an exotic touch - this is how the next marinade on this list can be described. Combine 1 teaspoon of olive oil with 2 teaspoons of butter, add a pressed garlic clove and finely chopped spring onion and brush over the corn cobs. Grill them and in the meantime mix a pinch of salt with grated lime zest and 1/3 teaspoon lime juice. Drizzle the hot corn cobs with the lime mixture.