Lose weight effectively with mock fasting – all the facts you need to know about the calorie reduction diet, plus instructions.

Effective weight loss is a topic that is of particular concern to us in spring. After all, we want to look good in the upcoming summer season. A look at theWeight loss optionsquickly shows that there are endless choices and new concepts are always appearing. We have taken a look at a calorie reduction diet from America that we would like to introduce to you - the false fasting - or in English - Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD). Read for yourself what exactly that is and whether it is possible to lose weight effectively with false fasting.

Fasting is an ancient health and diet concept that continues to come into the spotlight in many variations, even today.For example, intermittent fastinghas been frequently investigated and discussed in recent years. Water fasting is also known, in which only liquid is allowed. However, this rather extreme type of fasting seems impractical in many ways in the modern world, as it can be dangerous to health if carried out alone without medical supervision. Mock fasting is the idea of ​​taking advantage of the metabolic benefits of fasting without completely abstaining from food and risking a yo-yo effect.

How does mock fasting work?

The Fasting Mimicking Diet is a 5 day calorie restriction diet that is repeated periodically once a month for 3 to 5 months. During these 5 days, certain amounts of micro and macronutrients are allowed. This suggests to the body that there is no “starvation” and that the metabolism does not need to be slowed down, which is a natural, physical emergency program in humans.

Instructions for mock fasting

Lose weight effectively with false fasting: The amounts of nutrients to be absorbed

  • On day 1 of the diet, 1100 kcal is allowed, the macronutrients should be divided as follows: 11% of calories should be proteins, 46% of calories from fat and 47% of calories from carbohydrates.
  • On days 2 – 5 the calorie limit is 725 calories per day. The calorie proportions should consist of 9% proteins, 44% fat and 47% carbohydrates.
  • These 5 daysDiet is every monthrepeated for 3 to 5 months.
  • It is important to consume a minimum of 2 liters of water on each diet day.
  • During fasting days you should avoid coffee and caffeinated teas and drinks.

What should you consider?

If you are considering this diet, it is advisable to consult your doctor first. For people taking medication, this diet could interfere with taking medication. It is important to ensure sufficient fluid intake. If you feel unsure about calculating the nutrient proportions, you can get information from your doctor, a nutritionist or personal trainer and get specific help.

Which foods are allowed for the fasting mimicking diet to be effective

Which foods are allowed within the stated calorie limits? And which foods should you avoid? We have put together a list of examples so that you can get an overview of which foods you could combine on the diet days.

Allowed foods

The foods permitted during the fasting phase are vegan, of plant origin and wholesome, i.e. not industrially processed, in their pure form. This means that this diet is also suitable for vegans.

  • Nuts: Macadamia butter, almonds, pumpkin seeds, coconut, linseed
  • Vegetable soup: tomato soup, mushroom soup, vegetable soup, and fresh herbs
  • Caffeine-free tea: herbal tea, peppermint tea, rosehip tea
  • Honey for economical sweetening
  • Vegetables: Kale, olives, spinach
  • Dietary supplements: algae oil for omega-3 fat supply, magnesium and vitamin dietary supplements
  • lots of water

Not allowed

  • industrially processed sugar
  • animal protein
  • Gluten
  • Lactose
  • Coffee or caffeinated drinks
  • Alcohol

How effective is mock fasting for losing weight and who is it suitable for?

The mock fasting diet was developed by Dr. Valter Longo, a biogerontologist and cell biologist at the University of Southern California, developed and researched it. The research results indicate that the pseudo-fasting diet is similar in effectiveness to other fasting diets in many respects. It leads to weight loss, reduces belly fat, lowers cholesterol levels, lowers blood sugar levels and reduces inflammatory processes in the body. He should tooAging process slows downand cell repair can be stimulated. During a study conducted by Dr. Longo conducted, the group that sham fasted for 5 days each for 3 consecutive months lost an average of 3 kg, with the test subjects proportionally losing more belly fat. So if you can stick with it consistently and apply this concept in a series of at least 3 consecutive months, you can effectively lose weight with mock fasting.

Losing weight effectively with false fasting: Who is it suitable for?

  • This diet is suitable for everyone who is healthy, wants to lose weight and can handle the model well.

Who is false fasting not suitable for?

  • Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. In these living conditions, women tend to need more calories, not fewer.
  • Underweight people and people with nutrient deficiencies can worsen their health and in any case endanger it by further reducing calories.
  • People with past or existing eating disorders should avoid this diet as the food restrictions can trigger an eating disorder again.
  • People with health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, liver diseases or otherschronic diseasesYou should definitely consult your doctor in advance.
  • Children are in the growth phase and should not be subjected to fasting diets as this may jeopardize their physical and mental development.

This diet is best suited for people who do not fall into the risk group and can handle this concept well and in a disciplined manner. This promises the best possible stamina, the required discipline and therefore the best chances of success. After all, you shouldn't forego the joy of life when trying to lose weight. The most important thing at the end: Please don't forget to drink enough water when you're on a fasting diet.


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.