Muffins with cheese – A hearty breakfast without sugar

On the weekends we usually have rolls or sandwiches for breakfast. Many people also keep this tradition during the week and have breakfast with the family before heading off to work or school. But if you are one of those people who don't have the time to have a balanced breakfast in the morning or if you just want to try something new, muffins are just right for you. You may be thinking that you don't want to start the day with a calorie bomb and lots of sugar, but in this case we can reassure you. There is another type of itMuffinsand in this article we would like to introduce you to a recipe of exactly this type of muffins. What we mean are the savory muffins and especially thoseMuffins with cheese. To do this, you need three types of hard cheese that you like best and just a little time. One advantage of muffins is that you can prepare them the night before without them having lost their flavor and soft structure by morning. So they're great if you prefer to sleep a little longer in the morning rather than spend it preparing breakfast. Try theseMuffins with cheeseout of! You definitely won't regret it and, if you haven't already, you'll become a big fan of them.

What ingredients do you need for 10Muffins with cheeseneed:

– 1 Tasse Mehl
– 1 No
– 1 teacup made from 3 gratedTypes of cheese(e.g. blue cheese, Emmental and Gouda; it depends on your taste, but it should definitely be hard cheese)
– 1/4 cup Butter (60 g)
– 1/2 Theta Quark
– 1/2 packet of baking powder
– 1/4 TL Backsoda
– 1/2 tsp dry basil
– 1/4 tsp salt

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Baking time: 25 minutes

And so they willMuffins with cheesemade:

1. First prepare the products to make the dough for theMuffins with cheeseto prepare. To do this, grate the selected cheese finely with a grater. You should keep two to three spoonfuls of it extra. Furthermore, sift the flour together with the baking powder and baking soda and set it aside. Melt the butter in a water bath.

2. In another bowl, beat the doughMuffins with cheeseBeat the egg with a mixer, then add the melted butter and mix everything together well. Next add the curd and salt. And again you should mix everything well.

3. Now you need the bowl with the flour again. Add it little by little to the liquid mixture, stirring constantly. The dough for them is readyMuffins with cheese.

4. Finally, fold the cheese and basil into the finished dough. In case you forgot before, we remind you again to leave 2 to 3 spoons. You will need these later for sprinklingMuffins with cheese.

5. Now add the paper cases typical for muffins to the muffin tin. Take the finished dough and, using a spoon, fill the molds 2/3 thirds full with dough. Be careful not to fill them to the top as the dough may overflow during baking. Before you do thatMuffins with cheesePut in the oven and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake theseMuffins with cheesefor 25 minutes. But check them regularly so that they don't burn. Before you take the muffins out of the oven, you should use a toothpick to check whether they are done. To do this, pierce the muffin with the toothpick and pull it out again. If it is dry, they areMuffins with cheesecomplete. If dough has stuck to it, you need to leave it in the oven for a while.

You have probably now convinced yourself that the...Muffins with cheeseare quick and easy to prepare. Allow them to cool thoroughly before serving. If you haven't had any savory ones yetMuffinsOnce you've tried it, it's guaranteed to be the start of a long tradition for you. If you are looking for a delicious dessert that is just as quick to prepare, you can also use the popular muffins. They are available as sweet temptations in a variety of versions made from vanilla and chocolate, with exotic and local fruits, and with jam. But let’s just enjoy it first!