Small fish eggs with an unmistakable taste – that is black caviar. The valuable fish roe is one of the finest delicacies in the world and is associated with luxury and wealth - caviar is not called “black gold” for nothing. It feels pleasantly cool and delicate and melts in the mouth when eaten, slightly salty and aromatic. But how do you serve and consume this delicacy correctly? If you follow the suggestions and tips in our article, you and your guests willthis deliciousnesscan enjoy it to the fullest!
Black caviar – the different types
When it comes to roe, we speak of real or Russian caviar from the female and slaughter-free sturgeon from the Caspian or Black Sea. Immediately after being caught, the eggs are rather glassy and light. They only get their color after being treated with salt. There are three different varieties known. The best quality is called Malossol, which translated from Russian means “lightly salted”. In contrast to this is the so-called barrel caviar, which has a relatively high salt content of around 15% and is therefore kept for longer.
- Beluga Caviaris the most expensive variant in the world and a kilogram of it normally costs around 7,000 euros. The reason for this is that no more than 100 beluga sturgeon can be caught annually. It has a creamy and slightly buttery taste. The eggs have a dark spot, also called an “eye.” This is actually the egg itself.
- Ossietrahas a diameter of around 2 millimeters and since it is less sensitive compared to the Beluga, it is not sold as expensive. Nevertheless, you can expect around 3,000 euros per kilogram. Ossietra caviar has a slightly nutty taste and its eggs have a delicate golden shimmer.
- Sevruga Caviaris the smaller of the three varieties. The roe is extremely thin and delicate, which means that the eggs will burst on your tongue at the latest. This variety impresses with a strong, slightly nutty-fruity taste and is also a bit cheaper - the price is “only” 1000 euros per kilogram.
Choose and store the variety correctly
Good black caviar must have a shiny and smooth surface and must not smell like fish. For example, if individual eggs stick to the can lid, this is a sign of poor quality.
Air and heat are the biggest enemies of this delicacy. Store your caviar in the furthest, coldest part of your refrigerator until it's ready to serve - this is usually on the meat shelf. Alternatively, you can place the can in a bowl full of ice cubes. However, you should change the ice every few hours, which is a bit time-consuming. If you want to treat your guests to it, you should definitely serve it well chilled - too high a temperature changes its taste and aroma. Only open the can at the very last minute, right before consumption - external factors such as light, heat and air can affect the quality of the product. Once opened, the delicacy will last for a maximum of 2 days. We would not recommend freezing this because it changes its texture and taste.
What's the best way to serve it?
In Europe, black caviar is traditionally served in a special caviar bowl placed in a specificGlass or crystal vaseplaced on a bed of ice. Sometimes specially made shells on mother-of-pearl are used. According to Russian tradition, it is also served in a vase, but without ice. This is then consumed in portions using special spoons in the shape of a scoop.
Even if it sounds rather insignificant, choosing the right cutlery for serving and eating is very important. Connoisseurs consider it a mortal sin to eat caviar with metal or silver cutlery, as these oxidize. This noble way of consuming the delicacy is recommended because metallic objects negatively affect the pure and salty taste.
Pure or with side dishes?
The true foodies believe that the best way to consume and serve this delicacy is plain. Only in this way could you really feel and enjoy the nuanced taste. But if it tastes too intense for you, there are some traditional side dishes.
The special delicacy is often served on lightly buttered toast or unsalted crackers. Or try it the traditional Russian way and serve it with the Russian Pancakes Blinis. Other suitable side dishes include sour cream, hard-boiled eggs, fresh herbs or finely chopped onions. All of these things taste rather mild and creamy and in this way do not overpower the noble taste, but rather emphasize it. If you want to give your guests an unforgettable and unique culinary experience, serve the caviar with oysters or white chocolate as dessert.
Which drinks go with it?
For example, you could give your guests the black caviarSparkling wine, champagne, proseccoor serve a dry white wine. Ice-cold vodka also goes well and is considered the number 1 drink in Russia and other countries as a noble delicacy. The drink complements the fresh and clean aroma, while champagne pairs well with the saltier minerals.
Anyone who enjoys caviar not only lives well, but also healthily. Each individual egg consists of almost 30% protein and mineral salts. Calcium, iron, vitamins A, D and the B group make it a real health bomb. With only 250 calories per 100g, it is a real miracle weight loss solution. A diet based on the delicacy may be the most expensive, but certainly the most effective and delicious slimming diet in the world!