The recipes have been in great demand in recent years. The bite-sized pieces are a perfect way for us to taste the taste of the Far East wherever we are, on a trip, in the office or at home. Today, every gourmet can prepare sushi or simply order it in a restaurant. You know, this is how you ensure your healthy diet.
Back when the Chinese and Japanese invented the recipe, no one knew how popular it would become over time. The original idea was to offer workers on the streets fast food that they could eat while standing and without cutlery. But over time, the foreigners liked the snacks so much and the recipe quickly crossed continents.
Rice plays an important role in this. It is supplemented with other ingredients such as raw or smoked fish and raw seafood.
Of the fish, salmon, sea bass, squid and tuna are particularly preferred for the appetizers. The fish should be frozen for at least 24 hours before cooking. Deep freezing kills all microbes. Another option would be to lightly steam the fish.
To really enjoy the taste of the Far East, you will also need nori to prepare your bites (dried or roasted seaweed is a must!) The classic sushi recipe includes some vegetables, such as pickled radish, fermented soybeans, sweet potatoes, thistles, Cucumbers, asparagus and avocado.
Special sushi vinegar is also used for its preparation (vinegar, sugar, salt and processed glutamic acid). The dish is usually served with hot tea or beer.
Preparing sushi is not an easy task
Making sushi at home really turns out to be a difficult task. You first have to find the right ingredients and get the right dishes. You will need a cutting board, a sharp knife, a wooden spatula, bowl, and depending on the recipe - even a bamboo mat.
The rice is first washed with cold water. Then bring it to a boil, about 10 minutes and remove from heat. Stir for some time with sudden movements. Allow the rice to cool gradually. When the rice becomes cool, spread it into a bowl that already has the special sushi-vinegar mixture (salt-sugar or mirin). Stir everything together well and then cover your sushi rice with a damp cloth. Until further use.
The most famous appetizers are the “California Rolls”, which are made with rice, crab meat, avocado and cucumber.