Valentine's Day as a single: 7 selfcare tips for me-time & self-love

7 tips for me-time and self-love on Valentine's Day

Many couples are onSomething romantic. Everywhere it is teeming with hearts, roses and chocolates. For singles in particular, this permanent sound of love happiness and turtent couples can be quite exhausting. For many, a feeling of discomfort creeps on that day. But that doesn't have to be.

Valentine's Day can of course celebrate or ignore singles like couples alike if they are not after that day. Of course, you can express each other every day of the year, your friend: inside or yourself towards your affection. But if the day of love means something, you can also celebrate it as a single - as a sign of the. The question remains: will you be your own valentine? If so, we have seven great ideas for a date with yourself.

Date with you: With these 7 tips you celebrate self -love on Valentine's Day

1. Cooking or baking some delicious

Why should only couples enjoy a special dinner on Valentine's Day? You can also eat a three-course menu alone-or together with friend: inside. If you want to drive up especially, do it and enjoy it. Would you like to bake a heart cake? Bake only for you. Because you should also express your appreciation and gratitude towards yourself. So why not in the form of cake?

2. Watch anti-Valentine's Day films

Love films are great 364 days a year, only in one day (and possibly with acute) Singles often want a program change: on Valentine's Day. They prefer to rely on reality, imperfection and authenticity. So how about relationship dramas without a happy ending like “Gone Girl”, “Promising Young Women” or “Blue Valentine”. If you prefer to stay away from the subject of love, it is best to look for a completely different genre like documentaries, the new crime seriesOr the mystery series.

3. Be creative

A date with yourself can and should even be something special on Valentine's Day. Then why not something? Have you ever pottered, painted ceramics, made structural images yourself or crocheted? Try it. In the end you have something that you only created for yourself and what always reminds you in this day.

4. Put out properly in sports

The whole Valentine's Day tear-off rises to you so that it only helps you really work out? Book a sports course or do a couple. This is the ultimate reset for body and mind, is good and is absolutely dedicated to self -love. Because you actively take care of yourself and your body. Important: don't force yourself today. If you don't afteris, use the date with yourself for something else. The main thing is that you feel good.

5. Go to the sauna

Yes, the restaurants are often booked up weeks in advance for February 14th. That evening there are as many two tables as in no other day of the year. And if all couples are at the romantic dinner or over the weekend inare, local gyms and their wellness area are often pleasantly empty. A selfcare evening in the sauna or the steam bath is therefore perfect for the evening of February 14th. The best: it relaxes and is really good.

6. Pamper yourself in the home spa

You are the focus of the date with yourself. Therefore, you should do something good for yourself - and treat yourself to something that you would not do otherwise. Why? Because you are worth it yourself. Take your time for you and yours. Be it a warm bath, an extensive Skincare routine with peelings, masks and Co., self-massages, stretching exercises or masturbation-treat yourself! Have you been lighting this bag for a while? Buy you. And today!

7. Celebrate the “Galentine's Day”

Do you still know the film “Valentine's Day”? When I remember it, I always think of this one scene in which many women come together for a variety of reasons for an “anti-Valentine's Day party” in the restaurant-and how empowered I found this thought when I found the film that saw first time. In the meantime, Valentine's Day is no longer only reserved for the couple. And that's a good thing. Because February 14th is that toowhat means “Girls-Valentine's Day”. So snap your girls and celebrate what you have together. On Valentine's Day, the world no longer only celebrates partnership love, but also the friendly - and above all of course self -love.