50s hairstyle for men: The old school haircut Scumbag Boogie

In recent years we feel that a retro wind is blowing on both the fashion world and the old school hairstyles for men. The genuine enthusiasm for everything that is reminiscent of the old days and times continues to shape new trends. In addition to the strong influence on interior design, the retro wave also dictates male haircutting trends. Do you want to know the 50s hairstyles for men? Then read on here because we will introduce you to the Scumbag Boogie hairstyle!

The trend haircut under the microscope

Well, if theMale retro haircut is back in trend, then it becomes difficult to choose a specific variant from countless options. Worn by many celebrities, Scumbag Boogie is a haircut that is one of the old school hairstyles for men and has nothing to do with lack of character. On the contrary, if you are aware of the trends, you should be familiar with the following terms: “comb over fade” - the attempt of a hairstyle to hide bald spots, “side parting” - styling a deep side part and “gradient” - a Color gradient that doesn't always have to be linear. So when we combine everything in one we get trendy old school hairstyles.

These ideas are suitable for almost every hair type. Your advantages are the several possible styling variants that every fashion-conscious man can choose from in the barber shop.

To style old school hairstyles, like the Scumbag Boogie, you need to have slightly longer hair on the top of your head. This allows the so-called “comb” to be formed. Only then can you take the next crucial step for the final rendering. As you already suspect, it is the realization of the gradient.

How to master the Scumbag Boogie

The gradient gives the hair clipper complete freedom when styling. The length of the hair sides can vary, but not too much. This allows you to personalize the hairstyle and give it a modern twist. It is important to achieve a gradual incline.

Another special feature of the Scumbag Boogie is the clearly defined line. This characterizes the old school hairstyles for men and gives them a special appeal. Whether the line will be made on the right or left side must be clarified at the beginning in order to achieve the desired visual effect.

DieOld school hairstylesare making a real comeback in recent years, which is for good reason. The versatility and easy maintenance make the Scumbag Boogie a haircut suitable for both formal and casual wardrobes and occasions. For obvious reasons, personal style determines how hair is combed and styled. For example, remember the pompadour versions. These can be adjusted depending on the length of the head, individual taste and the occasion. They range from the most modest to the most elaborate designs.

The 50s hairstyle for men can not only imitate a pompadour, but also be presented as a crew cut, or the so-called “flat top”. This bold version is perfect for men who want to stand out from the crowd with a unique and trendy style.

The big return of the 50s hairstyle on stage

Since it's about the return of old school hairstyles, it is essential to devote a few words to another trend that has a lot in common with the topic of this guide. Of course, this is the hipster lifestyle. The demand for a metamorphosis of clothing and hair is the common denominator here. As you probably already know, the beard is the essential accessory for everyoneHipster-Look, who deserves this name. When a beard or hipster mustache is combined with the 50s hairstyle, you get a very trendy duo that never goes unnoticed these days.

Whether you are a fan of old school hairstyles or not, feel free to browse our image gallery to get a clear idea of ​​Scumbag Boogie. Not only will you learn about the distinctive features, but you will also learn how to adapt them to your own style and wardrobe.