A majority of the designs for a Mayan tattoo inspired by this culture date back to before the birth of Christ. The Mayans are an ancient civilization that existed 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. Historians believe that they were a very advanced culture for that time with knowledge and understanding of various things. The symbols are based primarily on sculptures, which were mostly found on the outside of buildings, as well as on hieroglyphs and murals that decorated many interiors. Some of them also depict totem animals such as jaguars, eagles and snakes, which are ideal for such tattoos.
Mayan tattoo meaning
You really can't go wrong with any of these motifs. Jaguars symbolize stealth, agility and strength, while eagles radiate power, ferocity and foresight. Lover of theMayan culture value symbolismof the snakes and the spirituality of heaven. It's no wonder that art for such symbols often shows these reptiles with wings. However, if you are interested in tattoos depicting hieroglyphs of this ancient empire, remember that scientists can still decipher them.
So you don't have to have ancestors from northern Central America or southern Mexico to honor their significance. However, many such tattoo designs represent a great homage to an ancient heritage. Even if you have no genetic ties to the culture, this particular body art is a great veneration of a deeply spiritual society. However, because some of the Maya tattoo templates have details that are not well suited to tattooing, you should work with an experienced tattoo artist who can customize a design to your liking.
So the Mayan sign tattoo is a way to recreate the ancient history inscribed on your skin. Sometimes because you are in awe. However, there is no denying that these Mayan tattoos can represent an incredible display of creativity and craftsmanship. Therefore, it is best to take a look at our suggestions, which are a good example of the influence of Mayan art on contemporary tattoos.
Maya-Calendar Tattoo
The Maya were one of the few ancient civilizations to develop calendars. What makes this even more interesting is the fact that they were very accurate and detailed. It has some unusual patterns depicting various celestial bodies such as stars and planets. The patterns in the calendar are also very intricate, and this makes it an excellent choice for body art.
In recent years, many have made the Mayan calendar infamous because various so-called experts claimed to be able to predict the end of the world. However, a Mayan tattoo from this calendar is worth a try simply because of its artistic value. This intricate work of art will certainly take time and effort, but an experienced tattoo artist will happily put up with it with an impressive work.
Placement of tattoos
In the Mayan civilization, gender, age, and status in society determine the placement of tattoos. Ladies had their tattoos only on their upper bodies, while men had them on their backs, legs, arms and even their faces. In this day and age, tattoo placement is a matter of personal choice, but things like the design and size of your tattoo also influence its position.
While most men prefer theirUse upper arm, others feel comfortable when they wear it on their back and chest. A tattoo like this can be huge on these parts of the body. Ladies are still conservative and prefer the wrist, neck and ankles when getting their forearm tattooed for their Mayan tattoo, for example.
However, most people will only get such a tattoo because they think it is fashionable. Few of them bother to learn its meaning and symbolism. These body markings are some of the most symbolic you can ever get. Therefore, it is important to do some research and find out what your particular image symbolizes as this will also increase its appeal.
For the upper arm
Inspired by the art of Mayan ruins, this design is characterized by its intricate details and subtle shading, giving it the photographic quality of an image of ruins from a dilapidated Mayan temple. As expected, this will be the caseArtwork an experienced tattooArtists need to look good and detailed. If you prefer to have a jaguar, it can mean power, stealth and bravery. An eagle, on the other hand, is a symbol of flight and foresight, while the feathered serpent represents wisdom, spirituality and the god Kukulkan. The also very popular image of the demon breathing fire symbolizes cruelty, intimidation, evil and power imbalance.
Although the meanings differ depending on the totem you use, there are still some common symbols that you can assign accordingly. Devotion is one of these meanings. Maya would always make these show their loyalty to their gods and culture. So they used their body markings to symbolize the unity of all life forms. This is because they respected everything in this world and one of their tattoos can mean the same thing.
Types of symbols
Everything about the Mayan civilization is interesting, and that includes the way they communicate with their way of life. If you know even a little about it, there are endless symbols you can draw and still associate with. However, some designs seem to catch most people's attention and are therefore what most tattoo lovers prefer. Although there are many famous Mayan tattoo designs, our image gallery is intended to give you some ideas of what you can try.
The Hunab Ku, for example, was an important symbol of the Mayan civilization, and that is why it is central to their calendar. It is important to understand their myths and the circle of life and this makes it an attractive body art. This symbol is also very popular because the Maya saw it as a representation of the cycle of life and the infinite power of life.
The Maya also had great respect for their rulers. They believed that they were appointed by their gods to watch over the people. A tattoo of the Emperor in his royal attire or dressed as a warrior is a sign of respect for their culture. If you find a good artist who can depict it accurately, you can look forward to a fantastic tattoo design.
Choose the appropriate variant
Maya tattoos are not only a symbol, but also indicate a person's personality. There are a total of 19 symbols that represent different personality types, attitudes to life and desires of the person. In short, they represent what the stars predict based on the horoscopes. They are also called Zodiac Tattoos. Nowadays, many tattoo studios specialize in this field and work with cleanliness and extreme sterility. The word tattoo means to draw on a surface of the skin and leave a mark there. This type of tattoo can adorn the arm, neck, face, legs and even the head of both genders.
With such tattoos, the artists sometimes use many colors that are tattooed under the skin. The concept behind such body art is that tattooing the body with graphics of God and nature imbibes inner peace and brings prosperity to the owner. The Maya only released their enemies after a permanent tattoo was left on their body. The thieves were similarly marked with a tattoo on their faces. These peoples believed that the West represented the death of God because it merged light with darkness.
Mayan tattoos are not a gift of the present. They have existed for 5000 years. History bears witness. However, the meanings, derivations and design were adapted accordingly with changing times. When ancient art is combined with tattoos, you can be assured of amazing body art. Such a tattoo can be impressive and give you the opportunity to choose from dozens of designs. So if you're looking for a stylish symbol with a traditional twist, you should try at least one inspiring variant.