Smart home systems are becoming more and more part of the household and undoubtedly bring their advantages with them. Smart home technology guarantees you comfort in your own home, increases security and even reduces energy costs because you can control your devices at any time. So if you are looking for energy efficiency, you can make a contribution with home automation. Now you may be thinking that such intelligent home control costs a lot of money. But what could have cost as much as 10,000 euros some time ago can now be purchased for just 150 euros, so it is certainly affordable for everyone.
What is Smart Home?
Smart home systems should not be confused with smart home devices. In principle, the entire system is the remote control and networking of all household devices. This means thoseintelligent devices, because we already know automated household appliances, they are nothing new. What's different is that these can now be conveniently controlled centrally, whether from home or on the go. This is made possible via a smartphone or a tablet, which the customer sometimes gets as part of the smart home system. All devices that use wireless technologies such as WLAN or Bluetooth can be integrated into the system.
Requirements for smart home systems
In order for you to be able to use this service, certain requirements must be met in your home. After that, nothing stands in the way of intelligent living. The first point in particular will not be a problem at all, because almost all households are equipped with it. What you need:
1. An internet connection via WiFi or another data line
2. A control panel that you receive from the provider and to which you connect all other modules (e.g. lamps, motion detectors, blinds, etc.)
3. Device to control: PC, smartphone, tablet or smartwatch
4. Software and apps to operate the system
Which smart home system to buy?
In order to properly assess which smart home system is best for you, you should first think carefully about which functions you need, i.e. which ones are most useful for you. What do you want to realize? Do you want to equip your home with an audio system and listen to any music at any time or do you want a system that can protect your home? The variety of variants certainly doesn't make the selection very easy.
The budget plan
Then it is also important that you assess your budget correctly. Of course, you can equip your home with a complete system right away, but are you willing to spend the necessary money? If not, you also have another option. The advantage is that you can start with certain components and then upgrade the smart home at any time. So if you initially attach importance to controlling your heating, but after a few months you realize that you also want to control the lighting intelligently, you can easily integrate this later without having to have any knowledge of programming.
Types of connections
These systems are diverse and connect the devices to the base in two different ways, depending on the provider. Of course, each variant has its advantages and disadvantages, which we would like to briefly introduce to you. You can then decide for yourself which option is best for you.
A system with cable
In a wired system, the individual devices are, as the name suggests, connected to each other via cable. These cables run along the walls. The advantage is that this connection is free of interference. It is not interrupted as quickly as the wireless versions, for example. The distance to the devices doesn’t play a role here either. While wireless smart home systems have a certain range, this is not the case with cables. In addition, this system is not provider or manufacturer dependent. Devices from any manufacturer can be used and connected to one another. However, there are also some disadvantages to be mentioned. On the one hand, you are not as flexible with the cable system. The devices must always be located near the connections in the wall. And in terms of costs, wired smart home systems are also less practical. This also applies to any possible retrofitting. So good planning in advance is a must. The cables are laid with the help of an electrician.
Wireless system
The second variant is to connect the devices to the base via a radio system. Either the existing WLAN or a different frequency is used. That again depends on the provider. Both installation and retrofitting are much easier with this variant and you can do it yourself. The devices can be placed anywhere in the house, provided they are within reach of the control center. If the reception is too weak, you may be able to use a wireless router to help. Overall, the individual components for the wireless system are cheaper. The disadvantage is that you are always dependent on the frequency when purchasing new components. It is also still very difficult to combine components from different manufacturers. But these are now increasingly working together to make combining things easier. Smart home systems that work via radio are also the better choice if you didn't think about a smart system when building the house and don't want to tear up the walls afterwards to install cables.
Smart home systems in comparison
You can use a comparison to find out what types of systems are offered. A comparison between all providers is actually impossible. There are those who specialize in a certain area, for example a system specifically for roller shutters and blinds or the heating of the house. With a Smart Home starter package you can quickly and easily equip your house or apartment. Here are some variants:
RWE Smart Home
RWE's systems consist of at least 17 individual components. This home control is intended, among other things, for roller shutters, switchable sockets and for the home's electrical and heating systems. The system can be used to control intelligent boilers and solar systems. This is controlled with the help of the computer. For this purpose, the system is connected to your router, which must have WiFi functionality. The connection is made via a cable. The system then sets up its own wireless network with all devices. Tablets and smartphones can also be used for control via app. The cost of this home automation is 190 euros. Since some devices can be out of reach in large houses, RWE offers an additional wireless router module. This module strengthens reception and makes it possible to use the system across multiple floors. To improve the RWE Smart Home systems in this way, additional costs of 70 euros will be incurred. The access account is offered free of charge for the first two years. However, the subsequent costs are still unknown and must be requested from the provider itself.
Telekom Smart Home
Telekom is the largest telephone provider in Germany. So it's only logical that it also offers modern technology. The starter package is called Qivicon and costs just under 300 euros. In addition to the base, it also includes two radiator thermostats, smoke detectors and so-called adapter plugs with which you can switch various devices on and off as desired. In this system, like RWE, the connection is made via the router and the control is via computer, tablet or smartphone. The difference is that with the Telekom system, not all possible modules are included in the starter package. The Qivicon modules mentioned above can be expanded at an additional cost, and the range is large. Dimmers, motion detectors, a system for roller shutters and a water level detector are just a small part of the modules on offer.
If you already have your own home but without a smart home system and would like to retrofit it, you can also choose HomeMatic for this purpose. The system is operated via a CCU2 radio control center. The cost of this center is 150 euros. Here too, the selection of modules is very large. This also includes weather stations, rain sensors, water level detectors, inclinometers and carbon dioxide sensors. Smat home security is also offered. This means you can check outside the house whether all windows are locked and possibly do so again or control the alarm system with a smart home alarm. However, unlike the brands mentioned above, the so-called Q3 from HomeMatic does not have its own app. However, there are other apps that can be used to easily access the system.
digitalSTROM AG is a Swiss provider. Its smart home systems are not connected to each other via WiFi or Bluetooth, but rather via the house's power grid. This also means that the installation must be carried out by an electrician. The central unit is installed on the fuse box. The price for the device itself is 400 euros. After installation, this server can then be connected to the network. The control is again wireless and takes place via the PC or a mobile device. A variety of additional apps are also available for the system. For example, if you are not at home but don't want it to be noticed, you can use a so-called absence simulation, which ensures that your presence is simulated.
It is a Bluetooth speaker that also has an integrated lamp. Apart from the perfect sound quality, the original is also here
But the smart home from digitalSTROM also has its price. In addition to the costs for the central unit already mentioned, there are additional costs for other components. Adapter plugs cost around 110 euros, the six-pin light terminal costs 100 euros. Nevertheless, the system is a practical variant that can be expanded at any time and increases living comfort considerably. For example, if you turn on the bedside lamp in the morning, the system knows that you are getting up. The radio in the bathroom and the coffee machine can be connected to the system and switched on automatically when you get up. Does the doorbell ringing bother you? Let the lights flash instead!
mobilcom-debitel SmartHome
The cost of the starter package from this brand is significantly cheaper compared to the other providers. The reason for this are monthly fees associated with various services. It is a system that specializes in the security of your home. The starter package, priced at 99 euros, consists of the central unit, as well as two motion detectors, a door or window contact detector, a WLAN camera and a siren for indoor use. There is also a remote control with which the alarm system can be switched on and off. A SIM card is inserted so that the system can function even in the event of a power failure. This can also send the necessary information to a cell phone during such periods.
The camera costs 199 euros. If one is not enough, several can be combined with each other. It detects movements, even in the dark thanks to the infrared function. If you wish, you can also be informed about movements in the house by email. The recordings are automatically stored in the Internet cloud for one month and can be viewed from various devices during this time. You can support this service with a two-year contract with a fee of just under 20 euros per month. Repairs can be carried out at any time and are even free for a value of up to 200 euros and other services are also included in this contract.
If you are looking for systems with which you can only monitor and control the heating and air conditioning, then Tado is a great option. The company is very similar to Nest Labs, which belongs to the Google Group and comes from America and was founded by two former Apple engineers, but does not yet offer its systems worldwide.
One of the problems that smart home systems bring with them is that they cannot be combined with one another. Every manufacturer and provider has its own standards. Some use WiFi, others Bluetooth or, as already mentioned, the house's power line. This means that once you have chosen a provider, you are forced to stay with them - or replace them with completely new equipment from another provider. Of course there are exceptions too. The Qivicon mentioned above, for example, can also be used with devices, controllers and switches from other manufacturers. These are things that you should find out about in advance from your chosen provider.
Modernize the house
The technologies also allow providers to check their equipment. Amazon's model determines which devices you are still missing. In this way, the brand wants to optimize its advertisements for you personally. The next time you visit the site you will receive various offers for the relevant devices. Whether this is a problem or viewed as a positive thing depends entirely on each individual's opinion.
Smart home systems for the garden
And once you have convinced yourself of the benefits of smart home technology and find this convenience to be perfect, you can also expand the smart home systems to your garden. Many useful variants are also offered for this area, which can help you with correct irrigation, measure water consumption and even predict the weather. Equip your home completely and make your everyday life easier.