A comfortable wooden children's armchair for cuddling and reading

Children love to imitate their parents! If you make yourself comfortable in a large wing chair in the evening, your child would also like to have their own cozy spot where they can relax, read and watch TV. A comfortable children's armchair should not only look chic, but also have special features. A great example is the Hideaway Chair, which was designed by the design studio Think & Shift on behalf of a New Zealand childcare company.

The designers' goal was to have oneCreating a retreat for children, where you can have a little peace and privacy even in a noisy environment. So they have designed a children's armchair that is very inviting for children and at the same time offers a great look for parents.

Little princes and princesses like to sit here. The children's chair is extremely comfortable thanks to the padding and the child-friendly seat height. It is also very durable and is made with natural materials and sustainable manufacturing processes.

The Hideaway cuddly chair is made from molded plywood. Thanks to its spherical shape and the padding, it forms a very comfortable area for the sitting children and is additionally shielded from noise thanks to the capsule shape.

The chair frame consists of four curved plywood panels and sturdy wooden legs. The gaps on the hemisphere add a touch of lightness to the design. The padded elements are attached to the chair with clips and can be easily removed if necessary. The entire chair can be taken apart and packed in a box.

To conceive this chair, the designers had to ignore everything they knew about ergonomics. In the early stages of research, they became convinced that small children can sit in surprisingly different ways. They sit slouched, lean backwards, curl up, sit on their knees – anything but what you would imagine as “an ergonomic sitting position”. For this reason, the designers put children's comfort first and created a completely new concept instead of a scaled-down version of an adult chair.

A design byThink & Shift