No matter where you use shells as decoration, use your imagination
If you go to the sea this year, be sure to collect seashells to decorate. Otherwise, you can of course also buy them in the store. Not only will they remind you of the great moments during your summer vacation, but they also make particularly good decorations made from shells for the house.
A little romance never hurts. Warm up a little on the cool autumn and winter evenings by making gold candlesticks. To do this you need three larger onesmussels, tea lights and gold paint or a gold spray.
Have some mussels ready
Spray or paint the shells gold with a brush. Let them dry. Melt the wax in a water bath or in the microwave. Use this to fill the shells and add the wick left over from melting the tea lights. Let the wax cool and your new ones are readyCandlescomplete.
You can also leave the shells in their natural color
If you would like to have a new soap dish for the bathroom, you can also make one yourself. To do this, take one large and one smaller mussel. The smaller one will later serve as a stand for the mussel shell itself. To do this, stick them together with a suitable adhesive and let it dry thoroughly. Now you can place any bar of soap in the bowl.
For the soap dish
An effective soap dish
Use your imagination wherever you use shells as decoration.
Paint the inside in color
Use a sea snail as a candle holder
As a flower pot with succulents