Build your own corner desk – 26 ideas and instructions

If you want to save a bit of space in the office or home, you would build a corner desk yourself. This way you hit the mark - firstly, the limited space is used optimally and secondly, it wouldn't cost much. Old furniture parts can be used and you can find them at hardware stores. Above all, you should put some time and desire into this project.

It should be modernWorkplace as a home officeand at the same time be functional. Get a suitable worktop or build one yourself. It shouldn't necessarily be new or made of wood. Beautifully sanded wooden boards of the same thickness are also ideal for this and can easily be brought together in one piece. Optionally, you can use the top from an old table or desk. Upcycling is always a lot of fun and creates many unique things.

If you have your onesuch DIY projectConsidering this, you should use two things - the work surface and the lower structure, or the table legs. Buy the work surface ready-made or build one yourself from wooden boards. Get some of the same strength. You determine the number of boards depending on the size of the work table. Fix all wooden boards using wood glue and press firmly with screw clamps. Allow to dry completely, depending on whether it takes between 24 and 48 hours. Follow the adhesive instructions for best results.

For a visually appealing work surface, we would recommend sawing the glued wooden boards in two at 45 degrees so that a 90 degree angle is formed when they are put together. Pay attention to the desired dimensions and strictly adhere to the pre-made plan.

For lower construction you have a larger choice of materials. Finished turned table legs are available in numerous variations on the market. Alternatively, you can attach the worktop to the wall using supports. Metal legs are extremely current, even among industrial style lovers. Build table legs yourself out of pipes or use matching shelves and small cupboards as a base. There are many variations - take a look at the picture gallery and the instructions.

*a DIY project byA beautiful Mess

*a DIY project byLittle Home Happiness

*a DIY project byCraptastic