Wild animals also need care in winter when it is more difficult to find food. Not only birds but also squirrels need food during the cold months and you can help them. We give some ideas on how to make a feeding station for squirrels yourself.
Here are some simple ideas that only require a few materials. These DIY feeders are quick and easy to make and the cute animals will thank you.
Tree trunk squirrel feeder
This is a really simple idea that requires literally no materials. Using a knife, scraper, or drill, you can make a small depression in the branch of a tree and then fill it with a mixture of nuts and seeds. This is a natural way to feed squirrels.
Simple squirrel feeder with wire bird feeder
This is an easy way to make a squirrel feeder with just a few materials.
What you need:
- Peanut butter
- Bird seed
- Bird feeder
How to make the feeding station:
- In a bowl, mix together about a cup of peanut butter and a cup of bird seed. Mix just enough so that everything sticks together.
- Then pour the mixture into the food bowl and press it down gently.
- Close the bird feeder and hang it outside.
Feeding place for squirrels in a mason jar
Another simple idea and the easiest wayto feed squirrels, is a preserving jar. It's inexpensive and quick to make. You'll need a mason jar, a fork (or a small wooden slat), and some thin wire. Wrap the wire around the handle of the fork and attach the fork to the upright glass, with the end of the fork sticking out far enough for the squirrels to stand while eating.
Then wrap the mason jar with the wire to secure it to the location where you want the feeder to be. You can attach it to a fence post or a tree branch.
Use recycled plastic bottle as a feeding station
For this simple feeding you simply use a plastic bottle. Start by cutting an opening in the side of the bottle large enough for the squirrels to fit. Fill the bottle with treats like seeds or nuts, similar to a homemade bird feeder.
Then poke a hole in the lid and hang the bottle on a branch in your garden. You can also use wire or rope. You can also place the bottle on a tree and wrap the rope around the bottle and trunk.
Bucket as a squirrel feeding place
You will need a large bucket and an angled gutter pipe. Drill two or three large holes about 10 centimeters above the bottom of the bucket. The openings should be large enough for the pipe to fit in well. Slide the pipes in with the curve facing down, i.e. with the pipe hole facing up.
This feeder can hold a large amount of food and is sturdy enough. You can easily hang this feeder on metal hooks.
Feeding squirrels on open platform
One of the easiest ways to feed squirrels is to use a platform. You can build a platform out of a piece of wood and some wire, or purchase a ready-made hanging platform. Place corn or seeds on the platform to attract the hungry rodents in winter.
Make a PVC squirrel feeding place
A DIY squirrel feeder that requires PVC pipes. A relatively easy project to try at home.
- 150 cm PVC pipe, cut into 4 pieces
- A 4-way PVC connector
- Four end caps
- Four outdoor wood screws
- A brass nipple with threads on both ends
- A galvanized lag screw and two washers
- A piece of wood for attachment
DIY instructions:
- Drill holes in the end caps and then insert the wood screws. Use screws that are threaded all the way to the head. The screws are used to attach the feed grain. You can either glue the end caps onto each of the four pieces of PVC pipe or simply slide them on if they are tight.
- Drill a hole through the 4-way connector large enough to insert the brass nipple through.
- Take the 4 pieces and glue them to the center piece with PVC glue.
- Insert the brass nipple through the center piece (if it is loose, you can add brass fittings to each end).
- Attach the feeder to a piece of wood with a lag screw and two washers.
- Test whether the feeder rotates freely.
- Place corn cobs at all ends of the feeder and mount the system outside.
Also read:How to build a feeding station for squirrels: building instructions and craft ideas