Shouldn't be any for the coming monthsIf you plan to go to distant dream beaches in sunny regions, summer now seems so incredibly far away. While the heating is probably already running at home and the hot tea is steaming in your cup, you can easily experience the pleasant summer feelings in the form ofbring you into the cold season. Because the new oneBrick Blushnow reminds me of warm days, at least in terms of complexion. More aboutBeautytrendfind out here.
Beautytrend im Winter 2024: Brick Blush
While in summer there are already fruity blush nuances likeand apricot were popular, the colors are now a little more intense and beigeBrick Blush- hence the name - ranging from brick tones to orange-brown nuances such as dark peach and terracotta. They look particularly good on dark skin types, as seen, for example, in the Lacoste show for autumn/winter 2024/25.
The models were freshened up for the catwalkmade up, thatSo it was mainly applied centrally to the cheeks and gently blended. Rahul Mishra also chose this variant of Brick Blush for his Haute Couture show for the current season.
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The make-up artists from other fashion houses, such as Louis Vuitton or Ronald van der Kemp, also chose the nuances of theBrick Blushfor the current season. A nice alternative to classic winter trends, such as rosy cheeks. At Ralph Lauren, the soft brick tones complemented thisof the models and also the color palette of the outfits, for example beige or. This is how the trendy one harmonizesBeautytrendperfect with other natural tones - for looks that are reminiscent of the colorful leaves of an autumn forest, but at the same time radiate a certain summery warmth.
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