Onehomemade decorationgives the outdoor area a personal touch. That's why we've put together several ideas for garden decorations with glass bottles in today's post. Whether modern statues or simply a beautiful lantern for the garden table: the old bottles can be imaginatively upcycled.
Garden decoration with glass bottles: Make your own lantern
You haveold glass bottles? Then you can cut it in two and convert it into a lantern. For this purpose you will need the following materials and accessories:
- a glass cutter that is suitable for glass thicknesses up to 10 mm. The bottle cutter is even better, with which you can fix the bottle. This creates a straight cut
- a bucket full of ice water
- a pot
- Sandpaper for glass (various grits: 80, 140, 240, 600 and 100)
- a polishing sponge for glass (optional)
Here's how you can cut a glass bottle:
1. First score the bottle with the glass cutter. It's quicker if you cover the bottle all around with paper tape. The edge of the tape will serve as a guide. Hold the glass cutter with one hand and slowly rotate the bottle with the other.
2. Pour 2 liters of water into a pot and bring it to the boil. Then you can pour the hot water over the scored edge. Alternatively, you can heat the edge with a lighter.
3. Place the bottle in the bucket of ice water.
4. After 10 minutes, check whether the bottle breaks at the cut edge. Do not press the bottle, just tap it lightly first. If it doesn't break, repeat the process.
5. Now you need to sand the edges. The best way to do this is to first sand them with a coarse grit and then with a fine grit. So start with an 80 grit, then sand with a 140, 240, 600, and 100 grit. Finally, you can polish the edges with a glass polishing sponge.
Now you can color the glass bottles with glass dyes. Add a little paint to the bottle and turn it upside down or roll it on the work surface to spread the paint evenly. Then let them dry - this can take several days.
Garden decoration with wine bottles: plant pot
Now you can use the bottle as a decoration in the garden. With such a glass bottle you can make various garden decorations yourself. It can be decorated and planted with twine, bows and lace.
Garden decoration with glass bottles: make your own wind chimes
You can too with metal balls and a chainbeautiful wind chimescraft for the terrace or garden. But hang them out of the reach of children and pets.
Unusual garden decorations with glass bottles: Make a “garden tree”.
The next unusual idea for DIY decoration has crept into the hearts of American hobby gardeners. There are now numerous DIY instructions and ideas for a “garden tree” made from glass bottles. For the metal tree, simply wrap a ground spike or stake with rope. Make the treetop out of wire. Insert the wire ends into the bottles.
Alternatively, you can make a “shrub” out of wire and bottles. Cut several pieces of wire of different lengths, wrap them together at one end and stick them into the ground. Now you can decorate the “branches” with colorful glass bottles.
It's easier and quicker if you simply nail nails into a wooden post and hang the bottles.
If you have more time, you can build the “tree” out of copper pipes and green glass bottles. Decorate it as desired with wooden and glass beads.
Make bottle lights out of old wine bottles
Dye a wine bottle an accent color and decorate with rhinestones, twine, or glitter spray. You can also use an already decorated wine bottle. Drape a battery-operated string of lights inside the bottle and use double-sided tape to tape the power bank with the batteries to the bottom of the wine cork. Insert the wine cork into the neck of the bottle. A tip: if you invest in a remote control, you can turn the fairy lights on and off quickly and easily.
Paint the wine bottle and use it as a vase
If you want to use the wine bottle as a vase, then you should not color it on the inside, but rather paint it on the outside. Interesting motifs can quickly be created using acrylic or glass paints.
Make your own bottle fountain
You can also make other beautiful garden decorations using old bottles. The next craft idea can be realized with two wine bottles, a wine barrel, wire, plastic pipes, a glass ball and a glass base plate in the shape of an arch. First, drill a hole through the center of each glass bottle. Place the pump in the bottom of the wine barrel. Attach plastic pipes to the wine barrel and hang the wine bottles on them. Now all that's left is to run the hoses through the pipes and the wine bottles. Hide the pump with the glass bottom plate. If desired, you can decorate them with sea glass as desired. Then assemble the glass ball. Hide the hoses with artificial or real plants.
Beautify raised beds with glass bottles
A raised bed made of glass bottles not only looks very decorative, but is also very practical. You can expand the raised bed at any time. To make the wall of wine bottles really stick, you can glue the bottles together. It's best to create several modules from wine bottles glued together, which you can then easily take apart if necessary. The glass bottles can also serve as a path border.
Creative hobby gardeners have placed a 30 cm thick layer of sand on the ground and buried wine bottles 20 cm deep with the opening facing downwards. The end result is a decorative garden path or a cool seating area in the garden.
Make your own table fire with a whiskey bottle
It's not just wine bottles that are ideal for lanterns. For the next DIY table fire idea, you can use an old whiskey bottle. You will also need the following materials: wick for an oil lamp, lamp oil, a burner head with a brass extinguishing cap. Pour about 250 ml of lamp oil into the bottle, pull the wick through the burner head, leaving about 2.5 cm sticking out. Round the edges of the wick that is sticking out. Attach the burner head to the bottle neck by first gluing the threaded washer to the bottle neck and then screwing in the burner head.