Learn calligraphy and design beautiful fonts – what you need

Everyone has heard of it and marveled at its beauty - calligraphy is popular all over the world and has been for thousands of years. What was once a form of communication is now, when most of humanity can read and write, seen more as an artistic script that is specifically practiced and is used less in everyday life. Nevertheless, it interests and fascinates many people. If you are also interested and want to learn calligraphy, the following basics can help you. Learn some interesting information, basics and guides on this topic.

What is calligraphy? Learning calligraphy for adults

The word “calligraphy” comes from Greek and broadly means “the art of beautiful writing”. While in earlier times there was the special profession of calligrapher or master scribe who wrote artistic Bibles and other works and could only be practiced by the male elite, today calligraphy fonts are a type of art that is used on special occasions or for special works such asBirthday greeting cardsand similar can be used and learned by anyone. More and more people want to learn calligraphy and try out different fonts. And you don't even have to have perfect handwriting if you want to learn this type of calligraphy.

On the one hand, you can take a course to learn to write beautifully. To get started, you can also familiarize yourself with some basics that are offered on the Internet. In addition to instructions and templates for various letters and numbers, there are also helpful videos that describe and show the individual steps in detail. If these instructions are not enough for you or you value regular practice sessions, you can still think about taking a course and learning calligraphy this way.

Nowadays you can buy a whole set that includes not only ink or ink, but also calligraphy pens. These are calligraphy fountain pens whose tips are of different widths and cut at different angles. If you want to learn modern calligraphy, you should use a normal drawing nib with a tip instead. This is sufficient, especially for beginners. You can also learn calligraphy with a fountain pen to start with and use your fountain pen from school for this purpose. Faber-Castell offers different types of pens that can be used for practice. These include those that imitate the tip of a chisel, but also those with a brush tip.

Of course, paper is also required. Don't make the mistake of choosing special paper. Because apart from being expensive, it is also less suitable for beginners. Most of the time you don't really achieve what you expect. Instead, it's best to use acid-free paper. Proper sizing prevents the ink from running while writing. It is difficult to determine how rough the paper should be because it depends primarily on the calligraphy pen you use. That's why the best option is to simply try out different types of paper, because the selection is very large.

Learn calligraphy – instructions

There are of course a wide variety of fonts for beautiful letters and numbers and you can also come up with fonts yourself once you have a little experience. Below we have instructions for a cursive alphabet, where you can see not only the finished letter, but also the order in which the lines are drawn that ultimately form the letter. Here is the helpful font ABC:

It's a fairly simple font, but still very beautiful. So if you want to learn a beautiful font, you can start with this one. It's best to choose a letter first and practice it several times, just like you did in elementary school. Once you get the hang of it, you can move on to the next letter. Take your time when you practice calligraphy, because only then will you be able to enjoy success soon. Once you have practiced all the letters thoroughly, you can also try writing whole words.

So in principle there are no rules. Just make sure that the letters in a word always have the same style. The distance between them should not be too large and the angle must always match so that a nice and even overall picture is created. Also pay attention to the right rhythm when writing. Each stroke should take the same amount of time. This is a little more difficult at the beginning, which is why writing slowly is recommended for beginners. Later you can also choose a higher speed to make a font curved.

There are also practical templates that you can use for practice. The letters and numbers are pre-printed there and are first traced and then rewritten independently. Incidentally, lines can be very helpful for practicing, especially at the beginning, in order to always get the letters at the right height. So it's best to use paper with lines like those used in elementary school or draw lines on the paper yourself. This will help you a lot while you are still learning calligraphy.

Design effects

With the help of calligraphy, a wide variety of effects can be created. The 3D effect is particularly impressive. To do this, the strokes of the letters are first bent a little more. Finally, a shadow is added to complete the 3D look. Motifs can also be added to a font that look particularly attractive with the right pen.Design envelopes, you putSayings and quotesin the scene or design other things with attractive lettering.

The “wrong” calligraphy

The so-called incorrect calligraphy does not mean that you are doing something wrong when writing or with the font. It just means that you imitate them and don't actually design them with special feathers. Instead, you use pens from everyday life - pencils, colored pencils, ballpoint pens or felt-tip pens or other markers. The best way to do this is to start by writing down the chosen word with a pencil. Then trace it with the desired color (if you use a light color, the pencil may remain visible). Finally, the areas that would be made wider with an oblique nib are expanded with the help of the same pen to achieve the effect of calligraphy.

As a beginner, you are welcome to use this technique. Although it takes a little more time, it is no less attractive. Here, too, you can practice and try out different fonts and then use them to label certain things.