If you want to DIY your own unique scratching post, you can save your furniture and provide your cat with some great vantage points. These structures are quite expensive to purchase but are easy to make with a few basic tools. There are many wonderful designs out there, and there really are no limits when you let your imagination run wild. You can create such a climbing course for pets incredibly inexpensively using reclaimed furniture, recycled items or wood scraps. You can even use a tree branch if you like the natural look.
Build a simple scratching post yourself
Your cat needs to scratch and climb to express normal behavior, especially when completely indoors. For this reason, scratching posts are a wonderful way to provide your pet with a nice high perch in your home. Building your own scratching post not only saves you money, but you can also make one that fits your decor and your walls and floors.
The first step is to get a basic idea of what you want to build and what tools and materials you will need to use. In this regard, we have tried to capture some basic instructions for you in this post. You can then customize this plan to your own design.
The components of such a structure
SuchDIY KratzmöbelnSo you can make crafts from natural tree branches, thick wooden posts, PVC pipes and thick cardboard tubes. Another example would even be the middle of carpet rolls or paper rolls. The basic components are a thick and stable base with a type of post made of natural wood or fiberboard. You can cover and wrap these with carpet cutouts or sisal to provide a suitable surface for claws. You can either drill the post in place or use brackets if it is hollow.
So your cat may have multiple levels or perhaps one that looks like asmall playhouse or platformis included. The best way to do this is to install some dangling toys that the animal can use to amuse and occupy itself. It also needs to be sturdy enough for your furry friend to climb on without it swaying. Otherwise, your cat will be smart enough to stay away from it.
During the planning phase, you should also consider how you will keep the scratching post and around it clean. For example, you can vacuum your carpets. However, try to avoid other porous materials that are difficult to clean. Any pillows or bedding should be removable for weekly washing on a hot cycle and may be attached via Velcro to prevent slipping. Finally, avoid painting the tree unless you use natural paints or smelly glues that could upset your cat's sensitive sense of smell.
What games do cats like?
Before you start this DIY project, you can also consider what your cat likes to scratch on. Such a pet, which likes to scratch door frames, might be better off with a post made of natural wood or a sisal, which is quite rough. If you want to use sisal, it can take a while to wrap around a long post and can be comparatively expensive to buy new.
A cat that prefers leather or carpet may do better with a fabric-covered post. The added benefit of the rug is that you can change it later if it gets too shredded or you want a different look. It is also easier to attach. Just avoid a carpet with loops so your cat can't get its claws caught. Cats love hiding places, but also vantage points. Therefore, choose a height on several levels. If your cat can use the cat tree to look out a window or escape the dog or children, even better.
Where do you find the materials?
Also look for recycled materials, which may be available very cheaply. For example, in most cities, recycling facilities have everything you need to make a cheap and unique piece of cat furniture, such as carpet scraps, cardboard tubes, pieces of wood, and various other parts. You can also search online for other places with recycling options for materials. The base is probably the most important part if you want to build a scratching post yourself. This must be thick and heavy in order to be able to stabilize the poles rising from it.
Tools you may need
- Spider monkey or hot glue gun
- Hammer, nails, screws and possibly a drill
- Rivet gun (if you are using PVC pipes or a hollow pipe for the tree)
- Wallpaper knife to cut pieces of carpet
- Saw to cut wood
- Sandpaper
Build your own scratching post as a DIY project
If only youneed a cat tree, make sure this is large enough for your cat to fully stretch. Most of the ones you find in the store are way too short. If your cat scratches on horizontal surfaces, make a horizontal structure. This will make it much easier to redirect your pet to the right location. Like this stunning structure made from wood and tree branches, you can use a large fallen tree branch for this project. Just make sure there are no pests in the wood. The last thing you need is a bunch of crawling hitchhikers that might have been living in that branch on a plot of land in the woods. There are plenty of stylish examples that you can use as inspiration.
Permanent option for your pet
Instead of making a tree, you can use existing furniture and structures in your home. A panel covered with carpet or rope can be attached to a wall or to the side of a bookshelf. Shelves and platforms can be safely screwed directly into the walls to create a range of platforms. If you already have large bookshelves, consider attaching them to the wall to make them stable and secure. However, keep child safety in mind for your little one while climbing. Also, add some additional shelves on the outside so your cat can reach up as well. This top shelf is ideal as a cat viewing point and is often unused space.
Another way to build such an apartment for your cat is to use a cardboard cylinder with openings for it. There are some great building instructions available online. You can create a similar design with boxes, or even just stack sturdy cardboard boxes on top of each other. Some thick boxes from the fruit store are also great for making a temporary scratching post. Simply stack them on top of each other and cut out some holes to create some nice cubes.
Getting your cat to play
If your cat isn't quite sure how great his new post is, show him how to scratch it by giving yourself noisy scratches while the animal watches. You need to make it as attractive as possible, and make the place she used before as unattractive as possible. Some cats scratch themselves to release pheromones. So if your furry friend wants to scratch in a different place, first spray the place where he scratches daily or place an aerator nearby. You can use these methods to spray the whole thing to hopefully mask any strange smells that might bother your cat. Also, cover the area the animal just scratched until you retrain it or limit its access.
If it's a door frame, tape some aluminum foil over the area to deter the cat while you encourage it to use the new post. The foil trick can also work with the couch or carpets. Every time you try to scratch in the wrong place, you redirect the animal to the new spot. You may need to start with the post near its old scratch point.
Alternatively, you can stay close to their sleeping area, as cats like to stretch and scratch when they wake up. The scratching post can then be gradually moved to a suitable location once the pet has a habit of playing with it. However, avoid using punishment that prevents the cat from scratching. It only teaches the animal not to do this while you are around and does not allow it to engage in alternative, playful behavior. Additionally, keep treats on hand too, and if your cat is fussy, try fish-like pastes nearby so you can reward her when she uses the new play space.