Creative techniques with paint and varnish – 25 ideas for surface design

Despite their unusual color scheme, smooth, monochromatic surfaces can appear too ordinary and boring. Through simple creative techniques with paint and varnish, every wall or piece of furniture gets a new look. Different methods and surface treatments help to create effective accents and transform entire areas. Below we will show you what is possible with simple means.

SmallTricks when applying paint or glazeon a surface ultimately have a great effect. This means you can even create a fascinating imitation of a special wall plaster or create an original pattern yourself. Whether it's a small piece of furniture or an entire wall, every surface becomes a valuable unique piece thanks to craftsmanship.

Design your own accent wall, but prepare first

A successful design that stands the test of time definitely requires careful preparation. Before applying the new paint, a wall should be primed. Depending on what type of wall plaster it is, it is pre-treated with a suitable primer and only then is the base color applied, twice if necessary. Then you can start with the decorative wall design.

Decorate furniture

If a piece of furniture is decorated with paint or varnish, the surface must also be pretreated. Foiled or painted furniture must first be roughened with sandpaper (grit 240) and then rubbed with acetone. The goal is to remove the top layer of gloss so the new paint can adhere well. Raw wood requires two coats of paint – a primer and a glaze. First, the wood is lightly sanded with 150 grit, after which the first coat is applied. After about 1 to 12 hours, the surface is finely sanded again, this time with 240 grit. Then another layer of varnish is applied.

Make your own textures

Creative techniques with paint and varnish achieve different, effective effects and even patterns. It makes sense to perhaps carry out a few tests first and experiment on simple paper. Matte or metallic colors can be used, but especially those that are not harmful to health and the environment. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, different tools such as brushes, foils, sponges and others are used.

Creative techniques with paint, varnish and salt

Sprinkling a little sea salt on freshly applied paint creates interesting effects. Fine and coarse salt grains leave small but nice looking stains. But this only works if the paint is thin, because the salt attracts or absorbs the dye and the area between the grains remains lighter. Once completely dry, the salt grains can be swept away by hand or with a bristle brush.

Sea sand

Sea sand mixed with paint looks very similar to rough wall plaster. You can achieve this effect yourself once you purchase a sufficient amount of sea sand. Quartz sand from the hardware store is also suitable as an option. The surface should be previously painted in the selected color using a paint roller. Allow the paint to dry and roughen it unevenly with steel wool. A second layer of paint is applied to some areas and the sand is sprinkled into the still wet paint. After about 10-15 minutes, when the sand has absorbed the color, you can spread it with a stippling brush.


Very interesting effects arise when you make an unusual paint roller yourself and use it to apply the paint. Rolls made from used packaging film or baking paper are ideal for this purpose. String or cotton thread is wrapped around the roll and tied tightly. Then the homemade paint roller is used like any conventional one.

Bubble wrap

In a similar way, you can make your own roll that creates a dot pattern. Stick a piece of bubble wrap onto a roll of toilet paper or cling film, apply thick paint with a brush and then roll it onto the intended surface. An irregular dot pattern is created.

Cling film or plastic bag

A plastic bag or cling film serves as a stamp pad, so to speak. Depending on whether an expressive effect is desired or not, this creative technique works both on a dry surface and on freshly applied paint. You crumple up a plastic bag and use it as a dabbing tool on a dry and pre-tinted surface. Another option is to apply cling film while applying the base color and remove it once it has dried. The more wrinkles, the more effective the effect is in the end.

Sprenkeln I

Blobs of color can be achieved in various ways. You can use a small or large brush or both. There is also the option of working with a stippling brush, whereby the blobs become denser. You can also play with the color intensity and use the color dissolved or concentrated.

Sprenkeln II

With this creative technique, the base color can vary. For example, if you want to use several colors, a white background is recommended. If the color selection is limited to 2-3 colors, the surface can be tinted.

Sprinkling with a brush

Then you first take a small and then a large brush and hit it across the surface against an object, such as a stick, so that the paint sharpeners come out of the brush hair. To increase the color intensity of some stains, you can treat them afterwards with a fine brush.

Sprinkling with broom

To create a similar effect on larger surfaces, such as walls, you can take a handful of broom hairs and tie them together. To create fine, relatively small and even spots, it is advisable to sprinkle from a distance of at least 40 cm.

Sprinkle with nail polish for small areas

A similar effect for small areas or objects can be created with nail polish. The right color combination is particularly important here. It makes sense to choose an active, intense color and keep the other tones a little more muted. The background in the photo is also very effective.

Decorate home accessories with sprinkles

This creative technique works wonderfully when designing home accessories, although you have to pay attention to the types of colors that are specifically suitable for the purpose.

Tricks with sprinkles

The speckles can be made into a specific shape as a figure. This requires a template that you can create yourself out of paper. Simply attach the stencil to the selected area and sprinkle over it with the brush.

Jackson Pollock Dresser

Any fan of the so-called drip painting technique can certainly make a chest of drawers like this one, which the artist Jackson Pollock himself owned. The intense yellow cabinet handles also add further accents.

Tips and tricks

To color cabinet handles easily and quickly, we recommend this little trick. A used cardboard box or simply a piece of cardboard serves as an excellent holder when dyeing small parts. Simply put all the parts into the cardboard and paint as usual.

Make your own vintage effect

How to achieve the effect of peeled paint is certainly very exciting for fans of vintage style. This can be achieved in various ways and with a few tricks. Depending on the effect you want, filler, sandpaper or certain color techniques can be used. Mainly an uneven and visually worn surface is achieved.

Vintage look with newspaper

The vintage look can be achieved by applying several layers of thin paint. To do this, the color is first dissolved. Then apply 1-2 coats and let it dry. After applying the other layers of paint, you should not let them dry straight away, but rather place newspaper on top of the paint, wait a few minutes and then remove them. The paper will absorb some of the paint and create an irregular effect.


Using a sponge and a matt paint you can apply and smudge color irregularly. To enhance the effect in some places, we recommend sanding the edges and corners a little so that the lower layers of paint become visible.

Spice up furniture


A wonderful lace effect is sure to enhance any piece of furniture or wall. It works very simply. All you need is beautiful lace fabric, which can be found in small patterns by the meter. It is best to use old lace curtains whose structure is well suited for this purpose.

Design your own chest of drawers

The second step is to choose two suitable colors – one darker and one light. You should first dye the surface dark and let it dry. It's best to wait until the next day before continuing. The tip can then be attached to the darker surface and fixed if necessary.

Lace effect

You can then apply the light color. You can use spray paint or apply the paint with a small paint roller. The tip plays the role of a template, so to speak.

Geometric shapes with adhesive tape

With adhesive tape you can get great, geometric patterns and motifs on any surface. First it must be sanded and thoroughly cleaned with acetone. A base color is not necessary, but recommended. Then simply create the pattern with the adhesive tape and paint over it with a paint roller. After about 5 to 15 minutes, depending on room temperature, you can remove the tape.

Original furniture design

Spice up a vintage chest of drawers

Almost any piece of furniture can be spiced up and beautifully redesigned without much effort. The combinations of colors and details such as handles and decorative elements are particularly important. Here the chest of drawers was designed in three main colors.

Combine colors skillfully