What you can build with snow – snow figures, lanterns, castle, slide & more

Winter has finally surprised us with a beautiful blanket of snow and of course we want to take advantage of the moment and enjoy the snow outside. Sledding, sliding, building a snowman or simply taking a walk through the crunchy snow – everyone really enjoys this beautiful natural spectacle. Especially if you are outside with the children, sooner or later you will feel the desire to build something out of snow. But that oneSnowman as a classicor snowballs are by no means the only options for building with snow. So, what can you build out of snow? We give you some ideas and instructions for the most winter fun ever!

You already know that you can build figures with snow thanks to the snowman. But how about trying something different for a change? With a little creativity and imagination you can build beautiful snow figures. These can take the form of animals, people or even objects. How about a polar bear, building animals out of snow, Spongebob, or a simple Lego brick? You can even use colors when building snow figures to make them stand out even more. As I said, all you need is a little imagination (and maybe a template) and plenty of baking snow and you're ready to goimpressive sculpturesand build figures out of snow.

Roughly form the shape of the chosen figure. For example, if you want a snowy owl figure, start with an oval block. You need a rectangle for a building block, a ball for a ball of yarn, etc. Press the snow firmly. You can then start designing andStart carvingand use any garden tool such as a shovel or hand rake, but also cutlery from the kitchen.

If “carving” snow seems too complicated for you, you can also use the snowman technique. What we mean by this is simply forming balls in the necessary sizes and then building snow figures out of them. For example, a row of snowballs can become a caterpillar or you can stack them like a pyramid and illuminate the insidewith LED fairy lightsthat are suitable for outdoor use. These ornaments are called Swedish snow lanterns (“Snölykta” in Swedish). Instructions will follow shortly.

What can you build with snow – make your own Swedish snow lantern

In principle there is for making thiswinter garden decorationnothing complicated. You can build balls of any size and a pyramid of any height with snow and place them wherever you like. In the middle of the lawn, along a garden path, on the snow-covered garden table - it doesn't matter. Prepare a batch of snowballs and start by placing them together in a circle. Then comes the second row, where each new ball is placed between two of the bottom ones and a little more towards the middle (to make a cone shape).

In this second or third row, leave a hole for your hand to fit through so you can use theLantern with tea lightsequip and replace them if necessary. Alternatively, you can also use a string of lights and place them in the circle at the beginning. You can continue building the lantern until it is completely closed or you can leave the top open.

Tipp:Alternatively, you can simply build a small cylinder with snow. Hollow this out in the middle and put a tea light in there. This is a great option if the snow isn't easy to shape.

Building snow slides with snow

And what can you do?imBuilding snow? Tobogganing is simply a part of winter when there is snowfall and no one doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to glide over the snow. But this doesn't just work with sleds, skis and snowboards. You can also make a snow slide and simply slide down it on your butt on a piece of foil. Especially if you have a garden on a slope, you can easilybuild a slide. If not, that's not a problem, because by layering snow on top of each other, you can create the desired slope. But how?

Use what you have: a raised patio or retaining wall all in oneGarden with a hillside locationcan represent the beginning of the slide. Then pile up the snow to create a slope. This works very well by forming snow globes like a snowman and placing them next to each other. Then connect the gaps and holes between them with snow to create a flat surface. If necessary, steps can even be built into the snow.

Depending on how much space and what type of terrain you have available, you can get really creative and even build curves with snow. In this case, and depending on the speed of the slide, you may also need walls made of snow to keep you from flying out of the slide. Since this is a larger project, you can also choose a public place and build a slide with snow together with all the neighbors and neighborhood children. But don't make too big and complicated plans so as not to be disappointed. Also be sure to avoid dangerous ideas, such as slides that start on the roof. Ultimately, even a small snow slide is enough to ensure the best fun.

Building something out of snow – seating for meetings with friends

A bar, a few armchairs and a sofa – sounds like the perfect conditions for a meeting with friends or even for oneOutdoor party. Why not move this meeting outside and build a snow bar and some seating that is much more interesting than the classic chairs, namely a sofa and armchair made of snow! The bar counter is of course also made of snow and if the amount of snow allows it, you can build a tiered wall with snow behind the counter and use it as a shelf for the drinks. How practical that they always stay nice and cool in these temperatures.

Your friends are guaranteed to be impressed by the idea! Think it's too cold outside for an outdoor party? Certainly not with the right clothing. A normal ski suit will keep you warm enough and you can also dance to music and warm up.

Build your own igloo out of snow

If you are willing to invest a little more time, you can build an igloo. Here, too, like with the slide, you don't have to overdo it. A small igloo that you can crawl into is completely sufficient. It doesn't have to be a whole palace in which you can stand upright. Especially if you are building an igloo for children is enoughcozy hiding placeout of. But how can you actually build an igloo out of snow?

Building an igloo – instructions

First of all, you should be sure that you have enough snow available, as most people underestimate the amount needed for an igloo. You also need the right snow - not the powdery new snow on the surface, but the hard kind that is where your feet won't sink in. You will also need a mold for the blocks to build (in the traditional igloo the blocks are 90 x 38 x 20 cm, in your case smaller ones are more suitable). This could be a metal box, for example. Press the snow firmly into this shape. Then build the blocks on top of each other. You work your way forward in a spiral.

You can leave holes here and there to allow good ventilation and avoid CO2 poisoning. Alternatively, you can leave the top of the dome open. This creates a draft between this opening and the entrance. Finally, fill the joints with snow to create a smooth surface. Repeat on the inside too.

Be realistic. Your amateur igloo will most likely hardly look like a real one,professional igloolook. But it doesn't have to be to be a lot of fun for you and your children. Ultimately, it's all about spending time outdoors and having fun - whether you build a simple snowman or an igloo with snow.

DANGER: No matter how sturdy your igloo appears to be, never allow children to play in it unsupervised. Aside from the fact that it was not professionally built, even the slightest changes in the weather will also cause changes in the snow and ice and therefore in the stability of your igloo. It could collapse at any time. Even if adults are in the igloo, someone should always be available outside to help or get help if necessary.

Cool castle to stay or for battles

If you want to build different things out of snow, you can also consider a castle. You'll need blocks like those for the igloo, but if necessary you can simply create smooth walls. Apart from the fact that the castle will look really impressive in your garden, it is suitable for lots of fun. It offers the best protection during a snowball fight! You can also imagine a whole game with two teams, in which one has to defend the castle and the other has to conquer it.

If the castle is just intended for lounging around, we have a particularly original idea: get yoursSummer party tentfrom the attic and rebuild it. Then use snow blocks to build walls to close the tent. A few fairy lights or battery-operated LED lamps and you can always make yourself comfortable in your personal castle. You can also design the igloo like a castle. If the blocks are too cumbersome for you, simply take the children's sand bucket, fill it with the snow and turn it over - just like you would do with the sand on the beach. You will now receive the first element as an alternative to the block and you can build the walls for the castle with snow.