Make a rocket backpack with household materials: Simple upcycling ideas for little astronauts

Are you looking for a cool craft project for your aspiring astronaut? Then how about a DIY project that stimulates the imagination? Whether for play or as an addition to a carnival costume, you can make a rocket backpack out of simple things you already have at home. Here you will find a few ideas and instructions that are sure to delight your little astronauts.

DIY rocket backpack made from PET bottles

If you have a birthday partyon the topic “Space”planning or simply looking for inspiration for a child's carnival costume, a rocket backpack is the perfect accessory. Not only will the little ones look great, but they will also have lots of creative play options. And the best thing is that you don't need any special materials to make a rocket backpack. The following DIY project with PET bottles proves it.

What you need:

  • two empty PET bottles, at least 1.5 l
  • black felt or other thick fabric
  • yellow, red and orange tissue paper
  • two solid color party hats (optional)
  • Silver fabric band
  • Metallic silver spray paint
  • Hot glue
  • Scissors

And this is how it works:

  1. Spray the plastic bottles with metallic paint and allow them to dry completely.
  2. Tape two bottles together by placing a strip of tape down the middle of the bottles.
  3. Cut black felt into strips five centimeters wide and thirty centimeters long. You need four strips per backpack.
  4. Glue two pieces of felt to a strip of tape to create a long strap. The felt gives the shoulder straps more comfort, while the adhesive tape provides the necessary stability. Repeat the process to make two complete shoulder straps.
  5. Attach both straps to the bottles using a wide strip of tape.
  6. Apply glue to the inner rim of the party hat (if used) and adhere it to the bottom of the bottle.
  7. Cover the neck of the bottle with a small piece of tape.
  8. Cut several strips of orange, yellow, and red tissue paper and create two similar sized tassels by tying or stapling one end of each tassel together.
  9. Glue the tied ends of the tassel into the spout of the bottle. Repeat the process for both bottles. (You can also use an old tassel garland left over from a child's birthday or summer party.)
  10. Cut the “flames” of the tassel to the desired length. So the rocket backpack is finished!

Make a rocket backpack out of cardboard

With carnival in a few weeks, now is a good timeChildren's costumesto make. It's simply not worth buying an expensive costume when you can make so many great carnival things yourself without much effort. For example, this idea for making a rocket backpack out of cardboard is also suitable for beginner crafters.

The following materials are required:

  • old cardboard
  • Packing tape or fabric tape
  • yellow and orange craft paper
  • Scissors
  • Marker


  1. Use the floppy part of the box to form the main body of the jetpack. Fasten with tape.
  2. Use the long, horizontal part of the cardboard to form the wings. Attach them to the back of the backpack with tape. If you want, you can cut the top of the cardboard rounded with scissors.
  3. Cut orange and yellow construction paper into strips. Bring one end together and secure with tape. Tape it to the inside of the backpack so that the “flames” hang out from the bottom.
  4. Use the tape to make ties so your child can carry the jetpack.
  5. Ask your child to decorate their cardboard rocket backpack however they like.

Turn a simple backpack into a jetpack

If your child already has a space-themed backpack, you can use a simple trick and transform it into a rocket backpack. It's really quick and easy!

Necessary materials:

  • Children's backpack (preferably with a rocket or space motif)
  • Crepe paper streamers (or stripes) in yellow, orange and red
  • cardboard
  • cardboard tube
  • black tape
  • Scissors


  1. Measure the bottom of the backpack and cut out a piece of cardboard the same size. This will be the base.
  2. Cut two rings out of the cardboard tube for the motors.
  3. Place the rings on the base to determine the place where they will be attached. Mark the base in the center of each ring.
  4. Cut several strips of red, yellow, and orange crepe paper. Attach them to the cardboard base where you marked the center of the ring.
  5. Thread the strips through a ring and secure it to the base with tape. Repeat with the second cardboard ring.
  6. Cover the entire cardboard with black tape.
  7. Attach the base to the bottom of the backpack and you're done.