Build your own climbing aid for cucumbers in the pot: 3 variants made from bamboo, wooden strips or wire mesh

You can use different materials. Basically, it's just a matter of creating a stable framework that can support the plant, especially when the heavy fruits are growing. And you don't even have to tinker around too much. In this article we will show you a few ways to build a climbing aid for cucumbers in a pot.

Use bamboo and string

Those:@happeathymes/ Instagram

If you don't have too many potted plants prepared, you can build a separate trellis for each one. If the quantity is larger, the work might not be worth it. A simple structure made from bamboo sticks and twine is quick and easy to make and provides perfect support.

You need:

  • Tree bus sticks, at least 100 cm long
  • String or thin rope

You have two options for building the climbing aid for cucumbers in the bucket. The plants can already be in the pot at this point, but if possible they can still be at the beginning of their growth when the roots have not yet spread throughout the entire pot, otherwise you could injure them.

  1. Insert four stakes deep into the ground at equal intervals. Connect the bamboo sticks with rope/yarn to create a first row. Tie rope again at a distance of 10 to 20 cm above it. Keep doing this until you reach the top.
  2. Use 3 bamboo sticks stuck into the soil in a triangle. Then wrap yarn in a spiral to create a kind of pyramid (see cover photo).

Here you will finda few more DIY ideas.

Set up wire mesh as a climbing aid for cucumbers in the bucket

Those:@back_to_natural_farm/ Instagram

If you have a large number of pots and you don't want to build a separate trellis for each one, you can also set up a long one on which all the cucumber plants can climb. Wire mesh is simply ideal for this because it has a large area, is stable and does not require a complicated structure.

  • Wire mesh or other construction fence
  • Wooden strips, cut into equal lengths (longer than the height of the fence)
  • Nails
  • Hammer

How to build this practical climbing aid for cucumbers in the bucket yourself:

  • Nail the cut strips together in a V or X shape.
  • Set up the wire mesh. You can partially bury it in the ground or temporarily support it with chairs or other things until you have the ledge racks in place. You can also have someone else help you.
  • If the wire mesh is standing, temporary or dug into the ground, insert one side of the frame through the mesh. It is important that you choose stitches of the right height. The supports should be able to stand stably on the ground or possibly even be partially buried.
Those:@gardening_with_kim/ Instagram

Leaning two chain link fences together

Those:@gardening_with_kim/ Instagram

You can find a few ideas for climbing aids for tomatoesin this article.

A wooden lattice made of strips – An easy building project for beginners

You can use wood to build a climbing aid for cucumbers in a pot that is stable and can stand freely or be attached to a wall as desired.

  • thin wooden strips
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Rope

If the climbing frame for potted cucumbers is too high, there is a risk that the plants will fall over at some point (at the latest in strong winds and when the weight of the fully grown plant is added). To avoid this, you should choose or build a compact climbing aid for cucumbers in the pot.

Foto: Susan Law Cain/ Shutterstock

To create a trellis, proceed as follows:

  • Cut two 1 meter long strips that will be the vertical elements of the scaffolding.
  • Check how far apart they will be in the pot. What is particularly important here is the lower distance, because the strips can either run upwards parallel to each other or become increasingly narrower towards the top.
  • Once you have determined the necessary distances, cut the strips accordingly.
  • Nail the vertical and horizontal strips together.
  • Place the finished framework in the pot.

For outdoor plants you can insteadtake a ladder.

Later, when the plant has grown tall enough, you can extend the trellis with ropes, but you have to tie them somewhere. For this purpose, the container plants should be placed close to a wall or low roof to which you can tie the ropes. The advantage is that this way there is no unnecessary additional weight and imbalance.

How you can build climbing aids from palletsfind out here.

Cover photo:@q1w2w1e/ Instagram