Build your own shoe rack – a rotating model with instructions

A woman can never have enough of her shoesStorage optionshave. However, many of the shoe racks offered in stores are expensive or just plain boring. If you ever need new storage space for your increasing number of shoes, you can simply use your new one for these reasonsBuild your own shoe rackand customize it by painting it any color or adding patterns and pretty motifs.

Build your own shoe rack - the variants

We have prepared instructions for you with which you can build and design a truly original shoe rack yourself. This is a five-story, rotating oneShoe rack, which you can make larger or smaller as you wish. There are also other variants. In the shelf that we would like to introduce to you, the individual levels are attached to each other using wooden dowels. Either way, you will really enjoy it as it means you can get to your shoes quickly and easily.

To build your own shoe rack you will need the following materials

– Turntable/swivel bearing
– 3 MDF panels measuring approx. 1.30 x 60 x 120 cm or one panel 120 x 240
– 9 hanger bolts with wood threads on both sides (at least 6 x 63 mm)
– 2 round wooden dowels with a diameter of approx. 2.5 cm and a length of 1.20 meters
– 6 wood screws (at least 3.8 cm long)
– 8 wood screws with a length of 1.2 cm
– Primer varnish and colored varnish
– Wood glue/glue

The tools you need to build your own shoe rack:

– a jigsaw, fretsaw or band saw
– Drill
– Grinding machine
– Bindfaden
- Pencil
– small nails or screws
– Hammer
– Never
– Tape measure
– Screwdriver

And with the following steps you can build the shoe rack yourself:

1. The first thing you need to build your own shoe rack is six round plates that you can make from theMDF-Cut plate and should have a diameter of 60 cm. To do this, measure 30 cm from one of the edges of the plate towards the center. Repeat this with the adjacent side so that the two markings cross each other. This will be the center point for the circle. To draw this straight, you can use an interesting trick. Drive a nail into the center point. Connect this to the pencil using a string, leaving a distance of 30 cm. Tighten the string and draw a circle.
Repeat the whole thing five more times to build your own shoe rack.

2. Take the saw and cut out the circles. If you find it easier, you can also use a jigsaw. Once you have cut out all the panels, you should sand the edges nice and smooth before you continue building the shoe rack yourself.

3. Then measure 27 cm from the center point and mark the point. Repeat this with two more points, whereby they all form a triangle and should be the same distance from each other. To simplify this step of building your own shoe rack, you can measure the circumference of the disc and divide it into three. The amount you get is the distance between each dot. Use a 3/8 inch drill bit to drill the holes. Now use the finished plate as a pattern for the remaining plates.

4. The next step to building your own shoe rack is to cut the two wooden dowels into 6 equal pieces. Use a saw again for this. Drill holes in the middle of both ends of six of them. These are intended for the hanger bolts. The other six dowels need pre-drilled holes for the wood screws.

5. Build your own shoe rack – Now you can assemble the shelf. To do this, take 5 round wooden plates. The middle three are assembled using hanger screws, while the outer two are attached to the dowels using ordinary wood screws. Make sure that everything is securely connected at the end.

6. As you have noticed, there is still one disc left over to build your own shoe rack. This is intended to attach the turntable. To do this, screw the outer ring onto the still loose plate. Make sure that it is actually in the middle of the plate. In the inner ring, add wood glue without sparing with it, after which you can glue the panel to the shelf. Allow the glue to dry thoroughly.

7. Now we come to the cosmetic part of building your own shoe rack. If you wish, you can fill in the visible screw heads. Once the mixture has dried, you can apply the primer. Let everything dry thoroughly. Finally, apply varnish in any color, preferably at least two coats to get an opaque color. Just remember to let each coat dry thoroughly before applying the next.

If you are artistically talented, you now have the opportunity to paint different patterns or motifs. If you would like a vintage-style shoe rack, you can also decorate it perfectly using the decoupage technique. Feel free to come up with something interesting!

And now you're done building your own shoe rack. Now you can finally arrange the selected shoes on it. We hope you had fun building it and found the idea useful.