Do we want to pay a little attention to our immediate surroundings? After all, it offers us the best gift of all: life. So, why not try thinking “green” when making your decorating decisions? For example, instead of choosing the usual centerpieces for your wedding decoration that everyone already knows and finds boring, you could make your own wedding decorations out of succulents. You can be sure that you will definitely make the right choice! See the perfect suggestions we have prepared for you and see for yourself!
At a modern wedding reception, these beautiful containers would make wonderful centerpieces. They are oval, quite small (5 cm) and have a matte surface. The ceramic containers come with these gorgeous succulents. But you can make the wedding decorations yourself - simply use eggshells instead of ceramic containers.
If you want to take this idea a step further, develop it a bit more, and also DIY the centerpieces you want, here's something you can do:beautiful succulents in a containerplaced. You can group cacti and add your guests' name tags to them. This means every guest knows which table they are seated at!
Colorful containers for a happy mood
To make your wedding ceremony even more glamorous, you can also use colorful containers for your succulent centerpieces. For example, these great eye-catchers in the picture are made with tin containers, filled, then arranged with horticultural charcoal, white pebbles, soil and of course beautiful succulents. The size and colors of the containers may vary.
Succulents – centerpieces for your wedding decorations add a lot of charm to your ambience
The next centerpiece is one of my favorites! It is special because the fishbowl makes it possible to see everything inside, including soil and moss. So you will not only admire the succulents, but also all the layers and everything else. You can combine the succulents and get amazing designs.
Make your own wedding decorations – hanging garden
Here's a similar idea: a cute centerpiece with a hanging terrarium! It's basically a glass ball with an opening and it's very similar to a hanging garden. The bowl is filled with small stones, soil and rooted succulents of course. You use a string to hang it up.
In the flower box
If you prefer to keep things simple, then there is no need to improvise and look for unusual ideas. You can also achieve a lot with a simple square wooden flower box! You can fill this with all sorts of beautiful succulents. The box can easily be made by hand from scrap wood.
Creativity is required!
You could of course mix up the designs a bit and use some rectangular wooden boxes. Use the same materials as those mentioned above and create interesting eye-catchers for your wedding table! Play with the colors and add a new touch to your decoration!
Make your own wedding decorations – vintage charm
But if you want something really unusualDesignwish, then the next idea would be just perfect for you! This centerpiece would have to be made from an old book. This gives your wedding decoration an incredible vintage charm and makes your wedding table unique. To realize this idea, however, you will need to cut out a portion of the book to make room for the moss and succulents.
Rustic charm
The next idea will also add a little rustic charm to your wedding reception: a small wooden boat is the enchanting centerpiece! The boat is filled with soil, gravel and moss and the succulents appear to have been there for a very long time. It's a very beautiful oneIdeafor a cute centerpiece that also works well with other themes and decor styles.
Wooden bowl with succulents
We see another beautiful design for a centerpiece that is both easy to care for and beautiful at the same time in the next picture. The wooden bowl is filled with all sorts of beautiful succulents and is pretty easy to create. It would look very attractive not only on a table but as a decoration throughout the room. You can create the same arrangement outside where it would fit perfectly.
Wooden containers and stones – Japanese style decoration
And finally we want to show you this wooden container with the wonderful arrangements! This is actually another interesting and fairly easy to implement design idea. It's basically a wooden container with a rich, brown finish filled with beautiful succulents in warm tones. The combination of colors is beautiful and so the arrangement is really adorable! Do you also think so?