How to make growths yourself with beeswax or vegan wise

Few are aware of the advantages of growths. They are really useful helpers in the kitchen and in the household, with which they can not only save money, but also protect the environment. And you can simply seal wonderfully containers with a wake cloth and keep food properly. And since you can use a cloth again and again, it is also a cheaper alternative to cling film. Have you become curious and would you also like to use a growth instead of cling film in everyday life? Then we even have great news! You can also make waxes yourself and do not need any expensive and, above all, few things.

Today we will show you how this works and offer you a few variants for a DIY beeswake towel, as well as a vegan alternative with which you can useGrowing towels for foodcan do it yourself. Have fun copying!

Make wake towels yourself with beeswax, pine resin and jojoba oil

Beeswax is an ingredient that you need to make waxen. There are also moreProducts like Jojobaöl, Pine resin and of course a cloth that should consist of 100 % cotton. If you want to make waving towels yourself, get parchment paper as a base and a painter brush. Also provide a baking sheet, clothes pegs and two pliers. Depending on the size of the cloth, different amounts of the ingredients are of course also required. On the whole, you should calculate the following quantity:

Make 20 x 20 cm wax cloth yourself

  • 2 teaspoons of beeswax (grated or in the form of pastilles)
  • 2 TL Kiefernharzpuluver
  • 1/2 TL jojoba oil

Make 30 x 30 cm beeswake towel

  • 1 tablespoon of beeswax (grated or in the form of pastilles)
  • 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon pine resin powder
  • 1 TL jojoba oil

Make 35 x 35 cm beeswake cloth yourself

  • 1 tablespoon and 2 1/2 teaspoons of beeswax (grated or in the form of pastilles)
  • 1 tablespoon and 2 1/2 teaspoon pine resin powder
  • 2 1/2 TL jojoba oil

Bee growth guide

You make the growth of beeswax growth in a few steps. First heat the oven together with the baking sheet to 80 degrees. In the meantime, cut your cloth in the desired size. You can also cut several sizes and make more than just a wake cloth. The hot baking sheet later enables the cloth to soak with the wax in peace without it becoming too fast.

Heat the respective amount of ingredients in a water bath at a low temperature. Keep in mind that beeswax can take a little longer until it melts. Meanwhile, stir at regular intervals. If everything has melted and mixed well, take the baking sheet out of the oven, put it out with the parchment paper and the fabric over it. Now you can absorb some of the wax fluid with the painter brush and spread it on the cloth. Make sure that the entire cloth is covered well.

Now push the cloth together with the baking sheet into the oven for about 2 minutes. The growth should look wet if you take it out. Check again whether there are no dry areas. If so, repeat the steps again. Finally, take the finished wax towel with your pliers off the sheet and wag it around a little so that it cools down faster. As soon as you can touch your hands without burning yourself, hang the cloth with the clothes pegs so that it can harden. But it can also cool down on the sheet. You have already made the beeswake cloth yourself! After making the woven cloths yourself, you will be very sticky at first. This is normal and passes very quickly. After that, it is only sufficiently sticky to be able to close the containers well.

Method only from beeswax

If you only want to use beeswax, that is also possible. For this, heat the oven as above in the instructions. Place the baking sheet with parchment paper and the cloth over it. Now distribute beeswachenpastilles over it. Shooted candle remains can also be used. Slide everything in the oven and take out the sheet with a cloth again as soon as the wax has melted. With the brush, paint the liquid wax over the cloth until it is completely soaked. Let the cloth cool on the sheet or hang it up.

If you want to make waxes yourself that are also pleasantly soft, you can also add coconut or other vegetable oil (except olive oil or linen oil) for wax. Then you should melt and mix both ingredients in a water bath and act as in the first instruction. 2 heaped tablespoons of beeswax are then combined with 1 teaspoon of oil.

Make vegan growth

You can of coursealso vegancarry out. Then simply use any plant wax instead of beeswax. Sunflower wax, rapeseed wax and soy wax are particularly suitable for this purpose. All waxes also have a different melting temperature. Sunflower wax in particular will therefore take longer to melt. It is advisable to heat the oven to 100 degrees. Rapeseed wax, on the other hand, is similar to beeswax.

How to wash the wax cloth

Do you actually want to make waving towels yourself, but do the care imagine afterwards? The care of a growth is extremely easy! You should only note that it should never be washed with warm or even hot water, because then the wax also melts again. Instead, use cold water and mild soap water. Then simply let the cloth dry in the air.

Make the beeswake cloth yourself and store food