For beginners in sewing, projects that are of course not too heavy are not suitable, do not take up too much time and a wow effect occur. Nice decoration and small accessories meet completely these criteria and can be presented nicely afterwards - praise words are always welcome as follows. We beat two simple instructions on how to sew pennant chain and also other ideas to imitate. Let yourself be inspired!
Тolle decoration idea for doing it yourself
Similar to the garland, pennant chains can be used and hanging. As a decoration forBirthday partyOr as a small gift for the birth of a baby, the decorative chain is wonderful and is also sewn quickly. According to the occasion, you should also choose the fabrics and match them.
First of all, you should choose an appropriate size of the elements and accordingly create a template. You are welcome to make them out of cardboard or firmer cardboard using the cutter knife.
For birthday party orPersonalized giftIt might be nicer if letters are implemented. However, these are difficult to sew on every pennant, especially for beginners who get the straight seam. Alternatively, you can paint beautiful letters by hand with textile colors and make the pennant chain properly.
Sewing pennant chain - entry -level project instructions
The following materials are required for the production of pennant chain:
- Fabric or remnants best made of cotton (quantity depends on the size and dimensions of the pennants)
- Decorative tape, bias tape or fabric to make yourself
- sewing machine
- Sewing accessories
The shape of your pennants does not necessarily have to be triangular. It can also be rectangular or round. Place the template on the fabric and with the help of a pen. Mark the figures.
You can save fabric if you put the triangles together so that two triangles become a diamond. Cut out as many pieces as you like. To make a pennant, two equal parts are required.
Place each piece on the right on the right so that the front hits on the front. Now pinch the two parts of the pimp with a pin. Then it goes together - sew the pieces together so that the back is visible on the two sides. The upper edge remains open - where the bias tape is later fixed.
The fabric is turned through the opening above and the beautiful sides of the fabric will be outside again. Pay attention to your straight seam, otherwise your triangles, later pennants, will look wrong.
Brück the triangles on the beautiful side so that the tip and the edges become clear and straight. Then all pieces on the tape are placed in between with the same distance. Fix the tape with pins in the middle of each triangle and then sew everything together.
Detailed step-by-step instructions
Pennant chains are really versatile and are very different if they are designed black and white, gold-silver or colorful. They are great decorative ideas for party decoration or as a garland for Christmas. They are also well suited for beginners because you can practice sewing straight ahead.
When sewing together from the two sides of the pimp, it is important to work precisely. The two beautiful fabric pages are inside and are sewn. Beginners can carry out the seams twice - per side of the triangle, the opening stays on top. Alternatively, you can sew the pennant together in one go. If you have sewed one side of the triangle almost to the end, let the needle stick in the fabric, lift the sewing foot, turn the piece of fabric and sew the other side to the end.
Remaining remaining confusing fabric remnants after sewing, carefully remove the scissors.
As an alternative to the bias tape, you can use decorative tapes or bobble strap. The bias tape covers the open side and its alternatives - not. In this case you also have to sew the third page together. Make a seam, then wrap the edge towards the tip and sew again.
Make the pennant chain yourself without sewing
Beautiful pennant chain made of fabric can also be made without sewing yourself - from felt. Get medium -thick felt pieces and cut out figures after your choice. In this case, only one piece is used for each pennant (felt has no front and back).
Take firm yarn in a popular color and a sewing needle with a large Öhr. Guide the yarn through the felt and use it instead of cord or decorative tape.
Vintage pennant chain made of paper
Pennant chains can be made from paper. They delight the eye and let themselves be made at lightning speed. Charmant atmosphere can be made tastefully tailored to the ambience with simple means.
*You can find the complete instruction for the first entry -level projecthere
*The second step-by-step instructions for pennant chain can be foundhere