What to make with concrete? 6 instructions for concrete decoration and useful DIY projects

Pinterest is once again showing us the latest trends and this time they are great craft ideas. More specifically, it's about DIY projects made of concrete that can be implemented in just a few minutes and usually with just a few materials. Today we would like to show you some creative ideas for crafting with concrete. Thanks to the instructions, you will get beautiful and practical decorations for your home that you can not only be proud of, but that will bring your interior up to date. Because the material is beautiful, modern, versatile and simply wonderful!

Crafting with concrete, but which one?

Nowadays it is conveniently called so-calledCraft concreteoffered. This is a powder mixture that contains cement and you only need to add water to it. A big advantage over concretewhich is used in construction, is that it is very fine, while real concrete requires an aggregate that is coarse. On the other hand, craft concrete is free of harmful substances, which makes it ideal for crafting with children.

There are alsoFine concrete, which can be used, among other things, to make jewelry and other small details because it is particularly fine. The result is crafts with a smooth and even surface. If you don't want to pour concrete, but rather shape and knead it freehand, use the so-calledReady-mixed concrete. This contains fibers and plastic that make kneading possible.

Crafting with concrete – instructions for a clock

  • Craft concrete
  • Container for mixing
  • Something to stir, such as an old fork or a whisk
  • Any size paper plate (the size of your future clock)
  • straw
  • Set for clocks consisting of hands and movement
  • Batteries
  • tape
  • Color
  • Paint brush

Would you like to make this clock with concrete? Not easier than that! Mark the center of the plate and use adhesive tape to stick the straw there so that it doesn't slip. After that, mix the concrete mix with water following the manufacturer's instructions. Then carefully pour the concrete into the plate and spread it evenly using a stick, spoon or other tool. Let everything set.

Now take the concrete out of the plate and remove the straw. Now you can design the clock as you wish by covering it with adhesive tape and painting it. The example is just a suggestion. You can paint whatever you want on the concrete clock. Allow the paint to dry, remove the tape and install the clock set. Set the time, hang the clock on the wall or stand it up and enjoy your new, practical concrete decoration!

Make cupboard handles with concrete

  • small cardboard boxes
  • Scissors
  • Paper tape
  • Screws for furniture handles
  • Craft concrete
  • Water
  • Disposable plastic cup or other container
  • old fork for mixing
  • Rubber gloves

You can often use household waste to make crafts, such as medicine boxes in this case. Cut the small cardboard boxes into the desired size. In the example, the elongated boxes were cut in half. Fold the tabs outwards to close. Otherwise, they will add imprints to the concrete later. Now reinforce the small boxes with the paper tape and close one of the two openings at the same time. You have already made molds.

Mix the craft concrete and fill the molds with it. By tapping the full boxes on the table a few times you can remove any air bubbles. Then insert the screws into the center of the form, cover the remaining opening of the box with paper tape and allow the concrete to harden. Depending on the brand and type, this can take several days. Then remove the boxes and decorate cupboards and drawers with the homemade handles.

Wire and concrete for making photo holders

  • Craft concrete
  • Silicone baking mold (in the example with letters, but other shapes are also possible)
  • Wire of any color
  • Sponge brush
  • (Neon) colors
  • Never
  • tape

If you make photo holders with concrete, you can not only decorate your own desk, but also give them as gifts. Take a piece of any lengthWire for craftsand use the pliers to form a triangle at one end, followed by another, slightly larger one. Of course, other shapes can also be chosen. The wire should be long enough to be easily integrated into the shapes. Bend the long end as shown in the picture so that the bend at the top of the letter can be taped and the wire end can be supported on an inner point of the letter.

Mix the concrete so that it becomes thick like pudding and pour it into the mold. Let it harden for as long as described on the packaging. Remove the concrete letters from the mold, stand them upright on the table and bend the wire upwards. Now you can paint and design the photo holders as you wish. As soon as the paint has dried, the photo holder can be set up and provided with a photo or notes.

Tipp:Depending on which shapes you use, it may also be sufficient if you simply insert the bent wire after pouring the concrete.

Make original pot coasters with cement

  • Concrete
  • Ice cube tray for sticks (e.g. “Plastis” from Ikea)
  • Leather cord
  • Blu-Tack (or another brand such as UHU patafix)
  • Scissors
  • small knife
  • 2 clear straws with a large enough diameter for the leather cord to fit through

You can create an unusual but also very useful and decorative idea with concrete by following these instructions for great pot coasters. First cut both straws into small pieces that are as long as the ice cube trays are wide. Fill these with the Blu-Tack to make them more stable. The glue should ooze out a little on both sides. Then place the pieces into the molds on both sides as shown in the picture. Make sure they are at the same height in each row and that there is space above and below each straw that can be filled with concrete. The adhesive ensures that the pieces are fixed and do not slip when the concrete is poured. Simply remove the excess adhesive.

Now mix the concrete as recommended by the manufacturer and fill the forms with it. It is important that the straws are then completely covered with the modeling material. Now gently tap the mold on the table several times so that the air bubbles disappear. The fewer air bubbles left, the more stable the coaster will be. If a straw falls off while tapping, you can simply reinsert it. Then let the concrete set for several days. If it is resting at room temperature, we recommend covering it with foil to retain moisture. This prevents the concrete from cracking. Then take the sticks out of the mold, use the knife to remove the glue (the straws can stay) and thread the leather cord through them. Tie the knots and you're done!

Tipp:As an alternative to the steps with the straw, you can also pour the rods straight away and carefully drill the holes later with a drill.

Mixing concrete to make pillows

  • Craft concrete
  • a bowl for mixing
  • something to stir (fork, spatula, whisk, etc.)
  • wide tape
  • Sealable plastic bags of any size
  • small ball or tea light

Such imaginative pillows can be made particularly quickly and easily as candle holders using concrete. All you have to do is mix the concrete and use it to fill the plastic bag. The mixture should be about as thick as peanut butter and the bag should be 3/4 full. Seal the plastic bag and shake and knead the contents for a while to remove bubbles.

Place a ball in the middle and use the adhesive tape to press it into the concrete to create a hollow (this is why it is important that the bag is not completely filled, because then the concrete can be moved). You can also use a tea light for this purpose. Let everything dry and finally remove the bag using scissors. If you want, you can now paint the candle holder. Also with thatDecoupage TechniqueThe concrete cushion can be wonderfully designed.

Crafting with concrete – ideas for ring holders

  • Craft concrete or fine concrete
  • clear tape
  • Chlorobromide silver paper or other glossy paper
  • Container for mixing the concrete
  • something to stir
  • Paper plate or cardboard
  • cling film
  • Template for a cone to print out (see below)
  • Carpet knife
  • Scissors
  • Edding
  • optional: heavy object as weight

Print out the template from the link below, cut it out and trace the shape onto the chlorobromium silver paper. Cut out the shape. Shape it into a cone with the nice side facing inwards. Tape both ends together with the tape. If possible, the two ends should not overlap or stand apart, otherwise this will also be transferred to the concrete cone.

Before you start working with concrete, you need to prepare a support in which the cones can later dry with the tip facing down. To do this, take a paper plate or a piece of cardboard into which you cut as many holes as you like along the edge (depending on how many ring holders you want to make at once). There are no holes in the middle of the plate because it is placed there on a mug or glass. For example, draw the circles with a compass and with a smaller diameter than the opening of the cone. Use a carpet or craft knife to cut out the holes as evenly as possible so that the cones can be placed straight in later.

Mix the concrete until it is thick like pudding. Pour a little into a cone, shake and tap to remove bubbles and allow the liquid to reach the top, then fill the cone completely and shake and tap again. Insert the finished concrete cones into the holes in the plate and cover them with cling film. If the plate is at risk of tipping over because the weight of the cones is not evenly distributed, you can place another weight on the plate to compensate. Allow the concrete to dry, then remove the chlorobromium silver paper and paint the finished ring holders as desired.

Large cone template to printhere.
Small Conehere.