40 uplifting sayings and quotes that encourage and motivate

Absolutely everyone goes through bad times. And while some people get through such phases well, others find it more difficult. Then they need comfort from friends and family, as well as words of encouragement and uplifting sayings that promise and motivate better times ahead. Our favorite people in particular have the ability to empathize with our situation and can best support us.

Uplifting sayings for those close to you

For this reason are accurateShethe right person if a good friend or family member is down and needs a faithful hand to help them get back up. You can do this not only by distracting the person affected or simply assisting them as often as possible. Even a few simple encouraging sayings can make a difference and provide motivation and comfort in the morning or before going to bed and of course at any time in between.

Uplifting sayings for life

We have some great suggestions for uplifting sayings for you. Even if some of them seem rather banal to you, you should not forget that they still have a deep meaning and can nevertheless be helpful and encouraging. Even if you might need a few words of motivation yourself, you can let our ideas pull you out of your deep hole. You are guaranteed to give them strength and hope, at least for a while.

Write and distribute texts

A great idea that you can implement with close friends or relatives is to write any life wisdom for friends on sticky notes. You can then distribute these anywhere in the person's home when they are not present. If you even live with this person, the plan can be implemented all the more easily. For example, stick one piece of paper on the alarm clock, another on the bathroom mirror, another on the coffee machine, and so on. Choose places that the person goes to every day.

Is it a work colleague, you can also use the workplace for this idea instead. Distribute sayings and quotes to set up on the computer, in the office kitchen, or leave a lovingly prepared (or purchased) snack or coffee on the desk with a note to appropriately greet your colleague. With a little imagination, you can make someone's day this way. That will definitely be one thing or anotherPut a smile on your face, don't you think so?

Motivational quotes from well-known personalities

Not only ready-made or self-written wisdom that builds up are great. Quotes from celebrities are also a great way to lift your spirits and provide comfort. Since many people also treat celebrities with respect, such words can even have an impact. Because they show that even stars who we sometimes forget are normal people also have to go through difficult times. Uplifting quotes from writers and poets usually sound particularly poetic and therefore have a good effect.

Sending words of wisdom to build yourself up

How exactly you want to send encouraging sayings is up to you. If you meet the affected person regularly in person, you can do this in a handwritten form on a card or together with a comforting gift. This depends, among other things, on the cause of the difficult phase. If this cannot be done in person, for example due to distance, a consolation card can also be sent by post. Nowadays, however, many people also use electronic messages. Emails, Whatsapp, Viber or Messenger are some of the possible variants. So, depending on the “messenger” you choose, either print the ones we have put togetherSayings and quotesor send them straight away.

Texts - short or long, they are guaranteed to make someone's day a little more pleasant and help get through the difficult phase a little quicker and easier. So don't be afraid to implement such a beautiful gesture in any way you want. Be inspired by our sayings and quotes to write your own or use them as they are and help yourself or others move forward during this difficult time. Because as the saying goes? “After every rain there is sunshine” or “Everything has an end, only the sausage has two”. Well, the latter may not be very appropriate, but admit it, you smiled!