DIY embroidery frame decoration – crafting with dried flowers or fresh cut flowers & plants

Anyone who likes romantic decorations with a touch of vintage nostalgia will fall in love with this breathtaking dried flower decoration, for which fresh flowers are also suitable! Dried flowers and plants are currently a popular decoration for the home and the embroidery frame is also used in a variety of decorative and craft ideas - not just in embroidery, but alsoas a base for wreaths. How about combining the two and creating a beautiful embroidery frame decoration with dried flowers. The flowers and plant parts seem to float weightlessly in the frame and, depending on the flower, add pretty color accents to the wall. Today we will show you how easy it is to make your own embroidery frame decorations with fresh and dried flowers and have then put together a gallery of beautiful examples by Olga Prinku to serve as inspiration for you.

You can buy the dried flowers or elsedry yourself. If you buy dried flowers, you save a lot of time, making this the better option for a spontaneous craft afternoon for an embroidery frame decoration. But if you regularly go out in nature and collect flowers and plants, you can also preserve them yourself so that you always have some to hand when the craft fever hits you and you want to make a dried flower decoration.

Dried flowers are best suited for a durable embroidery frame decoration, but of course you canfresh plant partsuse and change them regularly for new compositions. Some people like to combine both: dry flowers and green plants, which are fresh because they still have their strong green color, which is lost when drying. You have the choice for the decoration in the embroidery frame!

Decorating embroidery frames with dried plants and flowers – instructions

If you think that the craft project is complicated, you are wrong! Because in just a few steps and without any fancy materialsDecoration made from dried flowersdone quickly. In addition to the embroidery frame, you also need a net as a basis and this can be fine or coarse mesh as you wish. If you only want to attach a few flowers and plants, coarse stitches are no problem. If you would rather have a lush arrangement as an embroidery frame decoration instead, in which all parts of the plant are close together, finer meshes will prove to be the better choice. Just experiment with different materials to find what works best for you. This is how you can make the dried flower decoration:

  • Embroidery frame
  • Net or coarse-mesh fabric (e.g. linen or tulle)
  • dried plants and/or flowers
  • Possibly hot glue if you are using large plant parts and need to secure them additionally

Make your own decoration with embroidery frames

All you have to do is denfabric into the embroidery hoopto stretch, cut off the excess on the sides and then start decorating. Prepare your plant parts for this. Cut them to the desired size (for branches) or shorten the stems if necessary. Be careful not to cut the stems off completely. There should be a longer piece left so that you can put it through the stitches. It is best to add the largest flowers first, while the smallest ones serve as gap fillers and accents and are distributed at the end.

Push the stems through the mesh. Heavier flowers will not hold well if pushed through once, so push the stem through a stitch from above, then from below at a small distance through a stitch again and a third time from above so that the end of the stem is not on the “nice” page is visible. If the flower doesn't hold well even then, you can apply a dab of hot glue to the back and glue it to the net/fabric. Continue like this until you're done with yoursfloral arrangementare satisfied and the embroidery frame decoration is ready. Perfect for craft beginners!

Combine two embroidery hoops

Don't you think this idea of ​​combining a large and a smaller embroidery hoop is really original? The net is located between the two frames, while the inside of the small ring remains free and, for exampleequipped with a clockworkcan be. Wouldn't that really be a special kind of wall clock? How is the fabric/net stretched to create a ring for an unusual embroidery frame decoration with dried flowers?

In the instructions above, the steps are shown with normal fabric so that they are easier to see. First, stretch a large piece of fabric (the large ring should have room on it) into the small ring. Make sure that the embroidery hoop is in the middle of the piece of fabric. Then stretch the fabric protruding from the small frame into the large embroidery frame. Here it is again important to make sure that there is the same distance between the rings everywhere (of course you can also try out whether you like them offset as well). Now you can cut out the fabric inside the small ring or leave it there and decorate it with fresh or dried flowers.

DIY embroidery frame decoration – create a monogram to give as a gift

A monogram is the perfect idea if you want to make a personalized gift yourself. You can either draw the selected letter freehand on a piece of paper or print it out and use it as a template. Place it under the fabric and pin the leaf to the fabric with pins. Then first transfer the outline of the letter and only then fill it in with more flowers and plants. A wide variety of models for this embroidery frame decoration can be made and given away.

Letter “M” with meadow flowers in neutral colors

Beautiful spring decoration with tree blossoms in pink and white

Colorful spring bouquet in a wooden ring

Embroidery frame decoration with dried flowers as a gift

Oval embroidery hoop

Colorful floral arrangements in small rings

Decorate the wooden ring with wooden beads

Craft idea for decorations for every season

Make your own flowers from small flowers

Dried flowers decoration in autumn colors

Spring decoration for hanging or standing up

Wild and meadow flowers for crafting with natural materials

DIY decoration with fir green for Christmas and winter

Tie spring flowers as a bouquet and attach to the frame

Design spring wreaths in a different way with flowers and blossoms in the net and decorated with rhinestones

Dried flower decoration for the letter “A”

Romantic idea with lilacs

Use wildflowers for the embroidery frame decoration

Fresh flowers and tulle in black

More great ideas & designs from Olga Prinkucan be found here.