Buddha quotes, wisdom & sayings for different life situations

If you are looking for interesting and meaningful wisdom and sayings, then you are probably making the right choice with those from Buddha. There are many Buddha wisdom and quotes that can guide us through life and show us the right path. Whether you're looking for thought-provoking quotes, happiness quotes, or uplifting quotes, Buddhist wisdom like the Buddha's is appropriate for different occasions and life situations. We have put together some Buddha quotes on various topics that you can use for greeting cards and other purposes.

Who was Buddha and what was his path?

But before you get the entire gallery of Buddha sayings, we would also like to say a few words about the Buddha. The Buddha is actually a prince named Siddharta and the son of King Suddhodana. When the prince died in 563 B.C. When he was born in 200 BC, the king had wise men come to the palace to predict the prince's future. One of these sages prophesied a successful reign for the child, but only if he chose the worldly life in the palace. If he chooses a religious life instead, the prince is destined to live as a Buddha and savior of the world.

As the king noticed over the years that his son was becoming more and more compassionate towards other living beings and that he was suffering despite all the hardships of life, he feared that this might lead to the prince actually choosing the religious life. But since he was his only son, this was the last thing he wanted because he was his only heir. So the father tried to protect, not to say hide, the child from the unpleasant aspects of life and offered him a luxurious and entertaining life within the palace in the hope that he would make royal life more seductive for his child.

But as it happened, at some point the prince got tired of this way of life and went on a few trips where he encountered the suffering again. So it happened that at the age of 29 he left home and became a wandering ascetic. Over the years he tried in various ways to find a way to free everything and everyone from suffering. He was taught by various teachers and then even renounced all desires, including eating, until he realized that this was not the right way to free himself from suffering either. He received his enlightenment under a Bodhi tree, which he was now able to teach and pass on to others. This is how Siddharta became a Buddha.

The most famous quotes from Buddha

After all his experiences and enlightenment, it is no wonder that there are also plenty of Buddha quotes to guide us in life. Except sayingsabout lifeThere are also plenty of Buddha quotes about happiness and also ones about love. And you don't have to be a Buddhist to understand and follow them, because they are suitable for different life situations, give advice and even cheer you up.

Whether you use the quotes and life wisdom of Buddha as a message for a greeting card and the Buddha quotes for birthdays, baptisms,for youth consecrationor use it for a wedding, it doesn't matter. In any case, they will stimulate thought and perhaps even contribute a little to someone changing their way of life for the better. Because even Buddha's quotes about happiness say nothing other than that you are responsible for your own happiness.

Now read through the following Buddha quotes and thoughts and find the perfect one for your needs. There are also inspiring BuddhasQuotes in English, which you can also use if you want to make a quote from Buddha understandable to a larger audience, for example in a social network as a status.

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