Free wishes & greetings for Rose Monday for your friends on WhatsApp

Since 11.11. Are many in carnival mood - some more, others less. But now the time has come when even the biggest carnival opponents get the good mood of the Jecken and fools and may be infected. You can express your joy about this funny time of the year by sending greetings to your friends and relatives for Rosenmontag or stopping as WhatsApp status.

A Monday that is exceptionally popular

Monday is usually not exactly one of the popular days of the week, especially when you have to work. But thefoolish rose MondayDefinitely makes an exception. The 5th season, as the carnival period is still called, ensures a good mood for all carnival fans and lets us start the week much happier. Greetings from all your loved ones and also your colleagues with one of our sayings and wishes for Rose Monday.

Greetings from Rosenmontag for your friends on WhatsApp

The funny Rose Monday sayings are free and are a perfect start to the carnival week. From confetti to thedelicious donutsFind a suitable saying for every carnival element. Take a look at our designs in the gallery and choose the perfect variant for your needs.

Masks open, worry!

Funny saying to fillings of donuts - from jam to egg liqueur

May your day be as colorful as the most beautiful carnival costume

The perfect day to be a little crazy

The main thing is, full of smiles and beautiful moments

Fun, music, donuts and a lot of confetti

High the confetti cannons!

Monday, but in cool

Be 'foolish, loud, yourself and happy

Greetings for Rose Monday for WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram

Helau and Alaaf - everything is allowed except a bad mood

Rose Monday greetings for friends - be ', whoever you want and have fun

Today we don't count calories

Funny saying for Rose Monday - if you haven't had a clown breakfast, then at least donate

Let life dance

A day full of joy, fun and confetti

Saying for Rose Monday - like New Year's Eve, only without resolutions

Design: Deavita via Canva