It is more than obvious thatCorona Chaoscaused. The panic buying in Germany is clear evidence that people don't really know how to deal with the situation, despite attempts by the media and government to reassure them: there is plenty of food. There is no reason to worry and excessive panic buying is not necessary. Nevertheless, shelves in supermarkets continue to be bought empty so that employees can no longer keep up with the restocking.
But while some desperately try to stock up on food for several weeks or even months, others take it with humor and make fun of these panicked purchases. The result is numerous sayings and jokes about the panic buying in Germany, which help to live through the tense times with a little more humor. We have put together a few of them for you. This makes quarantine more fun! You will also find a list of basic foods for sensible shopping that no one will miss out on.
Panic buying in Germany – people are not buying properly because of the panic
Panic buying means nothing more than hoarding food.Out of sheer panicBut most people overdo it for no reason. The result is not only pantries at home full of food, most of which will probably end up in the trash. At the same time, due to panic buying in Germany, many people who actually just wanted to do their normal weekly shopping are left with nothing left of many products. This is especially true for pensioners, who also belong to the risk group.
Instead, you should go toCrisis preparedness foodcan be purchased that are sufficient for 10 to 14 days. And this applies not only to the current pandemic, but also in general. It is always advisable to have enough food at home in case of emergency situations such as floods, avalanches, hurricanes and other storms, extended cold periods and the like. But there is no need to panic, because as the supermarkets assure you, there is enough food for everyone and that will not change in the coming weeks and months.
Hamster buying list
But what should you keep in mind if you want to build up an emergency supply and avoid the previous panic buying in Germany? Below we have put together a shopping list for emergency supplies that you can follow. The panic buying list shows the basic foods that should be valued, but also some additional things that you should have on hand in case of an emergency, but are often forgotten in all the panic.
Stock list for hamster purchases – basic food for 14 days
Panic buying – what to buy? What is most important is that everyoneFood and Drinkshave a long shelf life. Frozen foods, cans and dry products such as pasta are ideal. Also remember that in the event of a power outage, neither the refrigerator nor the freezer will be able to cool, so you should only fill them with goods that you can use up in a short period of time. Instead of the ill-advised panic purchases in Germany, the following quantities are recommended:
- Liquids (mineral water is particularly suitable, but also fruit juices or other long-life drinks) – around two liters per day and per person (14 liters per week)
- Cereals and grain products (rice, pasta, potatoes, rusks) – 3.5 kg
- Legumes (e.g. beans, lentils etc.) and vegetables – 4 kg
- Fruit and nuts – 2.5 kg
- Milk and dairy products – 2.6 kg
- Fish, meat and eggs – 1.5 kg
- Fats and oils – 300 to 400 g
- additional long-lasting foods such as jam, sugar, honey and finished products - as desired, but in normal commercial quantities
These are themRecommendations of the Federal Governmentroughly summarized. A more detailed list can be found below. It refers to a 10 day supply for one person:
Cereal products, bread, potatoes
- Wholemeal bread: 710 g
- Zwieback: 180 g
- Cracked bread: 710 g
- Pasta, raw: 280 g
- Rice, raw: 180 g
- Oat/cereal flakes: 540 g
- Potatoes, raw, peeled: 710 g
Vegetables, legumes
- Canned beans: 570 g
- Canned peas and carrots: 640 g
- Canned or jarred red cabbage: 500 g
- Canned sauerkraut: 500 g
- Asparagus in jars: 290 g
- Mais in Dosen: 290 g
- Canned mushrooms: 290 g
- Pickled cucumbers in a jar: 290 g
- Rote Bete: 290 g
- Onions, fresh: 360 g
- Cherries in a jar: 400 g
- Canned pears: 180 g
- Canned apricots: 180 g
- Canned tangerines: 250 g
- Pineapple per serving: 250 g
- Raisins: 140 g
- Hazelnut kernels: 100 g
- Dried plums: 250 g
- Fresh fruit (apple, pear, banana, orange and so on): 710g
- Water: 20 liters (2 liters per person per day)
- Lemon juice: 0.14 l
- Coffee powder: 180 g
- Black tea: 90 g
Milk, dairy products
- UHT milk with 3.5% fat: 2 liters
- Hard cheese: 500 g
Fish, meat, eggs
- Canned tuna: 50 g
- Canned oil sardines: 70 g
- Herring fillet in sauce, canned: 70 g
- Corned Beef in Dosen: 150 g
- Bockwurst in a jar or can: 210 g
- Veal liver sausage in a glass or can: 100 g
- Dauerwurst (with B Salami): 200 g
- Eggs: 5 pieces / approx. 265 g
fats, oils
- Butter or margarine: 180 g
- Oil (corn germ, sunflower): 0.15 l
And at will: sugar, sweetener, honey, jam, chocolate, alcohol, iodized salt, dried potato products (e.g. mashed potatoes), flour, instant broth, cocoa powder, hard biscuits, pretzel sticks and the like.
When choosing products, also make sure that you provide yourself with special food that may be necessary for some family members such as diabetics or people with food allergies and intolerance. Of course, don't forget your four-legged friends and get them what they need too.
Hoarding purchases in Germany – additional things you should have in the house:
Of course, in the event of a power outage, you should also have alternative ways to prepare food. Small gas stoves or camping stoves are well suited for this. And surely you don't want to sit in the dark? Then you should get the following if you are already panic buying in Germany:
- Light source (candles, flashlight with dynamo operation)
- Lighter, matches
- Emergency radio (with dynamo or crank drive)
- Fuel for the gas cooker
- cash
- Hygiene items (toothpaste and brush, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, sanitary napkins and tampons, etc.)
- normal medications such as headache tablets and fever reducers, as well as those you need to take regularly and a first aid kit
- Heating options without electricity or emergency power supply
- Document folder (with birth certificates, insurance policies, marriage certificates, passports, etc.)
- foldable water canisters for storing extra water (for washing, cooking)
With all the worry, don't forget your sense of humor. Despite the current crisis and quarantine, you should not forget that with the right safety precautions things will soon return to normal. And so that you don't get bored in the meantime, we now have a few moresayings and jokeson the topic of “hamster purchases in Germany” for you.
Direct social contact is not recommended at the moment, but fortunately we still have smartphones and the internet, so you can spread the sayings and infect others with laughter instead of viruses. Or do it like the Italians andhave safe partieson your balconies. Then the panicked hamster purchases in Germany will quickly be forgotten.
Making fun of panic buying – The new trend on social media
Saying about panic buying and toilet paper
Hamster purchases – funny pictures
Hamster purchases because of Corona
When hamster purchases rule Germany...
I don't need any emergency supplies
Panic shopping is unfounded
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