Black tea for skin and hair – care tips and recipes for the beauty program at home

Due to the huge selection of cosmetic products for hair and skin care on the market, we often forget that even the simplest andnatümost practical meanscan work real miracles. However, recently women and men have increasingly been relying on such products. We would like to introduce one of them to you in this article and that is black tea. This popular drink is a great helper for various skin and hair problems and can often do more for you than many store-bought care products. But how exactly can black tea be used for skin and hair? We will explain this to you in the following lines. So find out in which areas this can help you, get it as soon as possible and treat yourself to a pleasant beauty day at home.

Interesting facts about black tea

Black tea is a variety that originally comes from China. If you have ever heard the term red tea or red tea and thought it was a different type of tea, you were wrong. Red tea is just another name for black tea, which is mainly used in China. The reason for this is that the finished tea has a reddish color. But why is he called black in other countries, you're probably wondering? This is simply because the dried leaves are black in color. Whether red or black, the effect that black tea has on skin and hair but also on health in general is simply wonderful, as you will find out below.

Also atgreen teaIt's actually the same tea plant and the same goes for the white one. Are you completely confused now? Let's explain it quickly: It's just the different production processes from which the three different types of tea are obtained from one and the same tea plant. In order to obtain black tea, the plant must first ferment, which is not the case with the other two varieties.

Black tea preparation

Danger: Always use unscented teas and it's best to choose organic products! Then side effects are not a risk.
If you want to make black tea, it is advisable to keep a few things in mindto get the perfect tea. This also applies if black tea is to be used for skin and hair. With the right dosage, temperature and brewing time, black tea can really develop its positive active ingredients and natural aromas. So first of all, let the water boil, but don't pour the tea leaves (or tea bags) straight away, but wait a moment until the water has cooled to around 90 degrees. It is also best to use low-lime water, such as from a filter jug ​​or mineral water. For one cup (250 ml) take 2 grams of black tea.

Once you have boiled the water and poured the tea, you need to let the tea steep. A black tea with a steeping time of around 1 to 3 minutes is the ideal option. But there are still a few things to consider here too. Since the leaves also need enough space to swell and develop aromas and active ingredients, tea bags are not necessarily the best choice as they do not offer the necessary space. Instead, it's best to use reusable tea filters and separate tea leaves. Also, choose high-quality or organic products. Then black tea can work wonders for skin and hair. If you let the tea steep longer, the amount of tannins in the drink also increases. This makes the tea more bitter, which is not necessarily important when using black tea for skin and hair or as a cosmetic product.

Black tea for skin and hair – ingredients

It is known that a certain caffeine content and black tea go hand in hand. This varies depending on the variety and can be between 20 and 50 milligrams for 125 ml of tea. Other black tea ingredients include essential oils. There are also tannins, the so-called tannins, which are not only anti-inflammatory, but also help with diarrhea and inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Theobromine and theophylline, in turn, are used in various medications and are among the so-called methylxanthines. Of course, black tea is not lacking in important vitamins and minerals. These include vitamins A, B1 and B2, but also potassium, manganese and fluoride, which strengthen teeth. All of these ingredients are also beneficial when using black tea for skin and hair.

Recipes and ideas

So as you can see, black tea is healthy as long as it is consumed in normal quantities. You can also use its positive properties from the outside andcare for both your hair and skin with themand pamper. Below you will find out how black tea can be used for skin and hair:

Black tea for hair

Black tea for hair can be used in different ways. On the one hand, it is often used to color the hair and on the other hand for care. Because black tea has an anti-inflammatory effect, it can help, for example, to heal eczema on the scalp more quickly. Here are a few ideas for application:

Achieve shiny hair with black tea

Black tea has a great effect on the hair when used in the form of a conditioner. To do this, boil the black tea and let it cool well. Then rinse your hair with it after washing your hair as usual, without rinsing this conditioner out again afterwards. The result is beautiful, shiny hair. But black tea should only be used by brunette ladies. Blondes can use chamomile tea instead for the same effect.

Make hair darker naturally

In case you were wondering why the conditioner above is only recommended for darker hair, since black tea has a toning effect, it should be avoided on light hair unless your goal is to darken your hair. For this purpose, the brewing time for tea is significantly extended. Boil 300 ml of water and pour it over 3 tablespoons of black tea leaves. This tea should now be covered and steeped for at least 30 minutes. It also cools down straight away. In the meantime, you can wash your hair as usual with shampoo and then dry it lightly with a towel. Now gradually massage the cooled tea into your hair (first remove the leaves with a sieve) and leave it on for 30 minutes. This is repeated once a week and over several weeks as the hair darkens.

You can also prepare a hair treatment that will tint your hair in the same way. You need 5 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tea bags of black tea and 250 ml of boiled water. Prepare a tea from the tea bags and water, which should steep for at least 10 minutes. Then add the olive oil and let this hair treatment cool down. In the meantime you can wash them again. Then massage it into towel-dried hair, starting at the roots. Then comb the damp hair well again to distribute the short evenly. Leave the hair treatment on for 20 minutes and rinse with a mild shampoo and warm water.

Dye gray hair with black tea

Greydye hairThe best way to make it is to make a tea with 3 tablespoons of black tea, 3 tablespoons of sage and 500 ml of water and let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes. Then pour this lukewarm tint through a sieve into any container (a glass bottle, for example). You now use this tint once every week. Only then can you successfully dye your gray hair. Wash and dry your hair with a towel beforehand and work the dye carefully and evenly into the hair. Wrap cling film around the head, including the hair. The finish is a terry towel. So let the tint work for half an hour. Remember that black tea only visibly dyes gray hair after a few weeks of use.

Black tea for oily hair

Do you suffer from greasy hair? Then the tannins in black tea can come to your aid. These ensure that the pores contract, which also reduces the oiliness of the scalp. Simply boil 1 or 2 tablespoons of tea leaves in a cup of water for 10 minutes. Then remove the leaves. As soon as the tea is lukewarm, you can use it. Pour this conditioner onto the scalp and massage. After 5 minutes wash them out. It is best to use a mild shampoo that does not irritate the scalp. Repeat the rinse two to three times a week.

Black tea for the skin

If you are looking for home and natural remedies for your regular beauty routine at home, then black tea for skin, blemishes and other skin problems is the right choice. Pimples, rashes and dark circles under the eyes are just a few examples where black tea can provide relief. Because this antibacterial miracle cure also generally guarantees fresh, smooth and beautiful skin when used regularly, which once again proves that black tea is healthy.

For skin and acne

If you suffer from pimples and skin blemishes, black tea is the perfect choice! You can use it in different ways. Make a tea and let it steep for 8 minutes. If you like black tea to be bitter, then you can drink it afterwards as all you need is the tea bag. As soon as it is lukewarm, you can place it on the problem area and let it take effect. Then rinse the tea with lukewarm water.

However, if you have very sensitive skin, you should avoid using the tea bag directly. The black tea extract contained in it can be used instead. Squeeze the bag and collect the liquid in a container. You then massage this into the skin. You can also use a cotton pad to apply. Give the tea another few minutes to work and rinse with warm water. A few minutes of exposure time are sufficient if black tea is used for skin and impurities. The actually helpful tannins can also irritate the skin if they remain on the skin for too long.

Black tea for skin rashes

Black tea has ingredients that can also be helpful for skin rashes. These include baby's sore bottom as well as some chronic complaints and neurodermatitis. In such cases, compresses made from black tea are recommended, as they can greatly alleviate the symptoms. The reason for this is again the tannins and their pore-reducing effect. When black tea is used on skin, a kind of protective layer is created. This consists of the tannins and proteins in the epidermis, which combine with each other. This means that the skin loses much less moisture, which not only relieves itching, but also inflammation in general. Proof that black tea for skin can also improve skin problems!

For compresses, you can pour half a liter of hot, but no longer boiling, water over 6 to 8 teaspoons of tea and let it steep for at least 10 minutes. Then remove the leaves using a sieve. As soon as the tea is lukewarm, dip a cloth in it, wring it out and place it on the desired part of the body. Leave the wrap there for at least 10 and no more than 15 minutes. Black tea can also be used on larger areas of the body for skin and health.
Danger: Stains will appear in the cloth that cannot be removed.

Black tea for dark circles and smooth skin

Many of you probably know this trick. Because black tea contains caffeine, it is particularly effective for dark circles under the eyes. The tea bags are used. So don't throw them away right after you've made your tea. Instead, you can use them once they have cooled by placing them on your eyes and leaving them there for a few minutes. You can enhance the effect by placing the tea bags in the refrigerator for a while beforehand. The tannins from tea stimulate the metabolism of the lymph glands. This in turn relieves the swelling. Alternatively, you can dip cotton pads in tea and place them on your eyes. The tannins it contains have a skin-smoothing effect as they tighten the pores. A great effect that black tea has for skin and beauty.