Sayings for the 3rd Advent: Send or print contemplative & funny wishes, greetings and poems for free

How quickly time flies... we've just put up our Advent wreath and now it's almost Christmas! But we don't want to be in such a hurry, because first we welcome another day of Advent, namely the third Advent! Just like in the previous weeks, you would probably like to send warm greetings to your loved ones. You can do this best by using our sayings for the 3rd Advent! Find free greetings, poems and wishes, sometimes funny, sometimes warm and thoughtful.

Do you feel really comfortable and would you like to pass on this feeling to your loved ones? Then contemplative Advent sayings for the 3rd Advent are the right choice. They create the right mood and can be used in the morningGood morning greeting sentbecome. Maybe meet up with your best friend later? Then you could also print out your favorite saying for free and give it away in the form of a card!

Our sayings for the 3rd Advent have beautiful images that also help create the right atmosphere. Keep smiling faces on this beautiful Sunday by sending warm wishes!

Send beautiful verses this Sunday

In the form of rhymes theGreetings and wishesparticularly beautiful and pleasant to read.

Contemplative hours, health, happiness and success

The time of candles and lovingly opened hearts

Love, warmth, closeness and compassion

Spending time with loved ones

Free images andSayingsfor the 3rd Advent

Green wreath with red candles

Christmas joy is announced

Sayings for the 3rd Advent - humorous things for friends

If you're not actually in the mood for a contemplative Christmas time, but would still like to greet your friends, you can also send funny sayings for the 3rd Advent. With a little humor you can make everyone laugh and put even the biggest Grinch and Christmas grouch out of a bad mood. They're even therefunny poemsfor Advent Sunday, which are even cooler because of the rhymes.

Make your loved ones laugh with funny sayings

Send your greeting directly via WhatsApp or another messenger, download it or print it out for a few special wishes.

Funny poem about the fire department

Funny poem about electricity and heating costs during the Christmas season

Cookies, gingerbread and punch are my only wish

When you drink mulled wine too hot

A few kilos more on the scales

Sayings for the 3rd Advent - There's nothing going on on the weekend