Sporting activities protect children from becoming overweight when using media

Heavy digital media use in childhood is associated with obesity in later adolescence through low levels of physical activity. Additionally, physical activity can protect children from the negative effects of media use in later adolescence. This is according to a recent study. This shows that six hours of physical activity per week at the age of 11Risk of being overweightreduce with heavy use of digital media.

Prevent obesity in youth by increasing physical activity

Obesity among children and adolescents is one of the most significant health challenges worldwide. In the current research, scientists examined whether there is a connection between the use of digital media in school children and the risk of obesity in later adolescence. Accordingly, the research team wanted to find out whether more exercise could have a positive effect on the potential risk of obesity in children. The results show that exercise appears to reverse the negative effects of screen time. The participating children reported how much time they spend using media and participating in sporting activities outside of school hours. The study also took into account other factors that may affect obesity. These included, for example, eating habits in childhood and the amount of sleep.

Despite the confounding factors, the study authors were able to confirm the protective role of physical activity in childhood in connection with obesity. However, during the research, children self-reported levels of physical activity and digital media use. In addition, there is a need for further study, according to the authors. A good rule of thumb is to stick to the exercise guidelines. According to this, children and young people of school age should be physically active in a variety of ways, quickly and strenuously for at least 60 minutes a day. This can of course be adapted to each individual child. In this way, students and young children can avoid excessive and prolonged sedentary activities. Further research is needed to determine more precisely how sedentary digital media use increases the risk of obesity. So can the authorsthis studydetermine how much physical activity and what intensity is required to avert such a risk.