Make your own peeling – simple and effective recipes

If you want to make your beauty routine a little more natural, it would be a good decision to find a replacement for the conventional products. Making a peeling yourself is one of the best choices when it comes to homemade cosmetics, as the peeling recipes are very simple and easy to adapt to your needs.

The main ingredients usually include salt or sugar. This is because they are mild and yet effective at removing themdead skin cells. Scrubs that contain salt are considered the best for oily skin, while those containing sugar are good for normal to dry skin.

Enjoy combinations

The basic formula for a homemade DIY scrub is extremely simple and involves mixing an abrasive ingredient with a base oil. Here are a few DIY body scrubs worth giving a try:

A body scrub made from sugar and coconut oil

To make this scrub yourself, you will need half a cup of sugar, a quarter cup of coconut oil, a teaspoon of honey and, if you want, a few drops of an essential oil that you like. Mix the sugar and coconut oil in a bowl until smooth. Then add the honey.

A do-it-yourself body peeling for cellulite

As you may know, coffee is often used as an ingredient in products that are supposed to combat cellulite. You can achieve a similar effect by using coffee grounds as an ingredient for the DIY peeling with the same application area. The easiest recipe for a cellulite scrub is to mix equal amounts of coffee and salt together, then add enough olive oil to make a thick paste.

A body peeling for the summer

In summer, tomatoes are plentiful and extremely cheap. That's why the hot months are the best time to experiment with the following DIY scrub: Blend a large, well-chopped tomato with two cups of sugar and enough oil to make a smooth mixture. If the smell bothers you, you can also add a few drops of essential oil. You can pack the peeling in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. Here's how to refresh your skin after a hot day outdoors.

A rosemary body scrub

This DIY peeling consists of three basic ingredients. These are salt,Olive or almond oil and rosemary. Mix 8 teaspoons of salt with 4 teaspoons of oil and the leaves of two rosemary sprigs. You can also add a few drops of rosemary oil. Rosemary is said to have a positive effect on the skin by stimulating the formation of cells and improving skin circulation.

Make your own luxurious body peeling from almonds

Mix two cups of finely chopped almonds with 4 teaspoons of olive oil and one cup of sea salt in a bowl until you get a thick mixture. Apply this DIY scrub in circular motions. Don't forget to moisturize your skin well afterwards. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.