Make up Detox: How to do it right to get the maximum benefit from it (Tips + Instructions)

If you like wearing makeup every day, the idea of ​​going without makeup for several days can be a little shocking. But skipping makeup pays off and is a lot easier than you think. An added plus is that the “no makeup” makeup look is very popular right now. This makes it much easier to achieve the positive effects of makeup detox. But before you start your skin detox journey, read this article for some very helpful tips and information.

What is makeup detox and why should you do it?

Makeup detox simply means giving your skin a break by not applying cosmetic products to your skin. Like the usual body detox that aims to flush toxins from the body, makeup detox is also about getting rid of all cosmetic elements that come into contact with your skin. You may not be able to get rosy cheeks and perfect porcelain skin instantly, but the benefits are amazing. Imagine sending your skin on vacation and giving every pore the privilege to relax and breathe.

It allows the skin to breathe and rejuvenate

Your skin needs rest, so give it a break. Literally go makeup free from time to time. Not wearing makeup for a few days or weeks allows your skin to breathe. It is the largest organ in the body and has the right to free itself from foreign elements and just relax. You should know that no amount of cleansers, toners, or moisturizers can rejuvenate the skin from within. What helps – a healthy diet and a good portion of make-up detox.

A make-up break enables the healthy renewal of cells

A make-up break promotes skin cell renewal. This allows new and younger cells to be formed more quickly. And when healthy skin cells regenerate, the skin radiates a youthful, healthy glow.

What you should consider when doing a make-up detox

Stick to the bare minimum:If you can't go without makeup, try the “on-again, off-again” method. That said, only use the bare minimum on the days you really need to wear it. Stick to tinted lip gloss and a non-comedogenic face powder. That's about it. But on the weekends, you should go natural. No makeup, no toner, no moisturizer, no face masks. Wash your face only with a fragrance-free, gentle skin cleanser and plain, cold water. No sunscreen either, so stay home as much as possible and stay away from devices that emit UV rays. This allows your skin to rejuvenate and heal itself.

Everything in a natural way: If you work from home, you can opt for a natural makeup detox that skips everything. This means you have to say no to everything. Not even the gentlest cleansers or face powders. And why? Because this allows the skin to regenerate and return to its natural balance, free of chemicals. Since no cleansers are allowed, you can only wash your face with cold, clean water. If you really need moisturizer, the safest option is a natural cold-pressed coconut oil.

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Skin Diet – How to give your skin a healthy boost from within

This may have nothing to do with giving up cosmetics. But this is the perfect addition for anyone doing a makeup detox - the right nutrition for the skin. This should allow your skin to absorb key nutrients for its rejuvenation and return it to its healthiest shape

  • Start your day with lukewarm water mixed with a teaspoon of honey. This combination will help you cleanse your digestive system and flush out toxins. The cleansing effect is reflected in the fact that the skin becomes visibly clearer and more radiant.
  • Make sure you eat good fats at breakfast. That means oatmeal, almonds, avocado and walnuts, just to name a few. Avoid toast and cholesterol-rich eggs, at least during your entire detox phase.
  • In the morning, grab cold-pressed fruit juice, yoghurt and fruit smoothie or just fruit. Lunch should consist of carbohydrates or protein - but never both.
  • Stick to a protein-rich dinner. One month of doing this should be enough to improve your skin health.
  • Water: The skin is our largest organ and needs a lot of moisture. So, drinking enough water is a must for any type of detox, including this one. Eight glasses of water is the bare minimum you should consume every day.

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