Painting nails and caring for them properly – professional tips for a beautiful French manicure

The manicure is every woman's business card. The sensitive and brittle nails need our attention and care every day. But sometimes we forget to give them their due and then the result is not so satisfying. The following tips will expand your knowledge and skills in nail beauty. How to paint your nails for a classic lookCreate your own French manicure, find out here!

Let yourself be pampered: paint and care for your nails

To keep your nails looking beautiful, you need oneregular care. But how often should you get your manicure? Once a week is enough to keep your perfect shape. If you file your nails too often or use acetone on a daily basis, they will become brittle.

How to avoid yellowing of fingernails?

There are two tested recipes for this:

1. Dissolve a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of lukewarm water and soak your fingers in it for a few minutes.

2. Halve a lemon and massage your nails with it.

These spa treatments help your nails and make them stronger.

Painting your nails: how do you do it professionally?

There are nail salons on every corner these days, but every woman should know how to do her own manicure. Here are the main steps:

Prepare nails

To start, dip a small piece of cotton wool into the nail polish remover and remove any nail polish residue, even if it is clear. Also process the corners.

If youAcrylic nail polishTo use, only use special nail polish remover and do not soak your fingernails for too long.

Please note that nail polish remover containing acetone can dry out and damage your nails. That's why it's better to choose an acetone-free alternative.

Recognize a high-quality nail polish

The good nail polish can be applied evenly to the nail plate, dries quickly and lasts at least 5 days. The brush should not be too soft and the hairs should be of different lengths.

Painting nails at home

Paint your nails in the following order: first apply the clear varnish (base coat) so that you avoid the effects of the dangerous dyes from the colored nail polish. Painting begins in the middle of the nail.

Then apply the first layer of colored varnish. A second coat is necessary, especially if the nail polish is light. The desired shine is achieved by the top varnish.

Do your own classic French manicure

Well-groomed nails are a good prerequisite for the French manicure. Forpretty French nailsHowever, a visit to the nail salon is not absolutely necessary. With the right tools, classic nail design can be mastered at home.

What you need:

  • Nail polish remover + cotton pads
  • Nail files in different thicknesses
  • Cuticle remover
  • Base Coat
  • Nail polish in a nude tone as a base
  • white nail polish with thin brush
  • optional: French Manicure stencils
  • Top Coat

This is how you get the perfect French nails:

1. Apply nail polish remover to a cotton pad and remove nail polish residue from the nails. This dissolves the grease and makes the manicure last better.

2. Push back or remove the cuticles and file the nails, leaving room for themFrench Tipslet. Very short fingernails are unsuitable for French manicure.

3. Apply base coat and allow to dry completely.

4. Paint your nails with the selected base coat, always starting in the middle when applying. Allow the nail polish to dry completely.

5. Apply a dab of white nail polish to a smooth surface. Use a thin brush to pick up some of the white nail polish and draw a fine line on the tips of the nails. Use a stencil if necessary.

6. Remove the stencils, let them dry briefly and apply a transparent top coat. Let the French manicure dry completely and you're done!

Tips after painting: French nail art specialists recommend that you do not paint your nails after the bath or shower because then they are still soft and the nail polish cannot adhere well. It is also not advisable to do laundry or wash dishes 5 hours after painting.