Do you know you could do trendy nail designs yourself at home? We will show you a very interesting and innovative idea for your nails that would totally surprise your friends and acquaintances. This is the marble manicure.
But we will now show you how you can do this nail design yourself.
Paint yourself white. You should prepare at least 2 different nail polishes beforehand. Fill a glass with water. Drip small amounts of the varnish into the water. You can mix the colors with the help of a toothpick. Dip your fingertips into the water. Then dab the excess nail polish with a cotton swab.
Nail polish mix of different colors
Marble effect nail polish
This is how it works step by step
There are also easier ways you could recreate this style without water and tape.
With the help of the brushes, make dots on the painted nails, after you should take a plastic bag and press it on the nails if the polish has not yet become dry.