Natural cosmetics: This is what you should pay attention to when purchasing

First the food was organic and now the cosmetics should be too. A large market for the cosmetics industry - unfortunately there is still no uniform definition of what exactly natural cosmetics can be. How natural is natural cosmetics?

Annual sales growth for natural cosmetics is in the double-digit range and now accounts for seven percent of total sales. The trend is increasing. Many manufacturers therefore also want a piece of the cake. They advertise their creams, body lotions and shower gels with slogans such as “natural ingredients” or “organic farming”. In the absence of a quality seal, synthetic substances may also be included.

Some manufacturers advertise that their products are free of synthetic substances that can be harmful to health. But there are thousands of synthetic or chemical additives whose impact on health has not yet been researched. The only way to be safe is to read the ingredients. Because not everyone is known and some well-sounding names could hide old acquaintances, it is advisable to do some research on the Internet. If you like, you canhere in the online shopLook around for natural cosmetic products and browse at your leisure.

Natural cosmetics free from animal testing?

Most people associate nature with species-appropriate animal husbandry, which advertising often reinforces with cute, comfortable baby animals. However, consumers shouldn't believe everything advertising agencies come up with. Animal testing is prohibited by law in the production of organic natural cosmetics - this applies not only to the product, but also to its ingredients. It's very strict herePositive list of the German Animal Welfare Associationwith the IHTK seal. All ingredients that were tested on animals after 1979 or that have even the slightest connection to animal testing are prohibited. Even economic dependence on supplier companies precludes inclusion in the positive list. Not even substances from dead animals (e.g. silk proteins) may be included.

The Leaping Bunny seal is a little less strict. However, in contrast to the positive list, no approval is allowed in China because in the middle country “no animal testing” does not mean what it is supposed to mean.

Which ingredients in cosmetics are questionable and hazardous to health?

No one voluntarily takes hormones unless it is absolutely necessary. However, they are a cheap and tried-and-tested means of achieving a high UV filter or longer shelf life. The WHO was very critical in its 2013 report. Although a single hormone in a minimal dose would still be acceptable, the serious problem lies in the interaction of several hormonal active ingredients and can promote certain types of cancer, such as breast or prostate cancer. However, use during pregnancy is particularly worrying because the hormones enter the body through the skin and thus affect theDevelopment of the fetusaffect.

Nitrosamines are also carcinogenic substances and can cause serious liver and kidney damage. Paradoxically, they replace parabens, which have been linked to breast cancer. Formaldehyde, which is already banned in Sweden and Japan, is a highly allergenic substance and is also on the list of cancer risk factors. Many people are under the misconception that it is only contained in nail polish. Unfortunately also in creams and often under a variety of other names because of the deterrent effect on customers.

A plea for natural cosmetics

Although there is no definition or corresponding regulations for natural cosmetics, the existing seals mean that they are “healthier” than cosmetics from the conventional industry. Not only are intolerances less likely, but it also does not contain known carcinogenic substances. To avoid deceptive packaging, consumers should still take a look at the ingredients.