Plastic Surgery: When Have You Waited Long Enough?

We are always looking for ourselves. Who am I and how can I best lead a happy life? How do I know which decision is the right one for my life and which one I will regret? What should I dare and when do I just have to endure things, wait and hope? There are many helpful techniques to answer these questions, from horoscopes andsimilar systemsto meditation and relaxation, making lists or simply listening to your gut feeling. But sometimes the voices from outside are so loud that it is difficult to hear and distinguish between the inner voice.

Actually, it is exactly this voice that has the best tips and advice, gives warnings and protects you from making wrong decisions. However, it should not be confused with fear, which can sometimes be simply irrational. Instinct lives, so to speakin the stomach, where scientists locate something like a second “brain”. But can you trust your inner desires when it comes to changing your body through plastic surgery? Will you be happier and more satisfied if you have a “flaw” corrected, or is it all just superficial, as some critics say?

What you want and what others say

There is often a discrepancy between what you want and what others say. Especially when it comes to potentially dangerous decisions such as surgery, concerned family members and friends are quickly on the scene. They don't necessarily feel the procedure is necessary because they love the person affected the way they are. And they don't want her to put herself at unnecessary risk. “But your nose is what makes you who you are!” “Big breasts are something beautiful”! “It can’t be that bad.”

Such statements can unsettle the person concerned, especially if they are not expressed as an opinion but as instructions for action. But it is fundamentally important that you make such decisions yourself, and how they should turn out can be seen by looking in the mirror every day and what you feel about it.

Aesthetic and plastic surgery are valued differently

If someone has been in an accident or suffered a burn and is undergoing reconstructive surgery, most people are much less skeptical. It goes without saying that in such a case one tries to restore the previous state.

But people can suffer just as badly from man-sized breasts, a crooked nose, large and heavy breasts or fat deposits on the body. If this is the case, the patient should decide what is best to do in consultation with their doctor. If he wants the treatment himself (and is not influenced by anyone else) and there are no medical reasons against it, then the treatment should be carried out, even if other people are not enthusiastic about it. But they don't have to live with the flaw, they just look at the whole thing from the outside. This point of view does not allow it to be fully understood and assessed.

What is objectively important, however, is without question that you hire the best doctor you can find. On topicPlastic surgery DüsseldorfThe Arteo practice is undoubtedly one of these best providers. Years of experience and excellent reviews ensure the necessary level of trust, which is consolidated during a personal consultation.

The effects of cosmetic surgery treatment

It is an outdated view to view the body and mind as separate, when in reality the two are one. It is said that “true beauty” comes from within, but one thing is clear: If you don't think yourself beautiful and don't love your reflection, you can't send out the corresponding signals.

The topic of beauty is becoming increasingly important while at the same time prosperity in society is increasing. Of course, when the basic needs of life are met, one can deal with such issues. There is nothing wrong with that, because every person wants to feel comfortable in their body, be confident and happy.

Improved sense of self-esteem

Studies consistently show that people are more confident and happier after cosmetic surgery. A huge burden is often lifted off their shoulders. A small bump on the nose or heavy breasts can affect life so much that correcting it can mean a total turnaround.

Plastic surgery and external perception

It is interesting that other people also share these positive impressions. A study at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington showed that women after cosmetic surgery were rated as more likeable, more attractive and feminine, but also more socially competent. So not only the self-perception changes, but also the perception of others.

This can be accompanied by a major change in life, especially in the professional area. Even if we think it's unfair, it's just the case that everyone categorizes their counterparts at first glance and puts them in a drawer. Of course, this also applies to colleagues and the boss. If things are a little easier at work after a small procedure and you feel happier at the same time, these are enough arguments not to wait any longer but to bring about the desired change through plastic surgery.