Spring is just around the corner and we can finally put the thick coats and jackets back in the closet and show off our airy dresses. Unfortunately, many women can't really be happy about the nice weather. The reason? To look beautiful and flawless in our shorts and miniskirts, most people dream of having toned and slim legs. Each of us has our own problem area - for some this isthe stomachand for others, the butt or thighs. Although body fat tends to settle on the legs, we can successfully counteract these annoying riding pants and dents with targeted exercises. Unfortunately, doing 50 squats a day or jogging on the treadmill for hours won't work - the key is to do an effective and strenuous thigh workout. To make this fun and not boring, you should try out different exercises if possible and vary your training routine every now and then. But that's what we're here for you! To help you get your bottom and thighs in top shape, we have put together the best exercises for the thigh muscles for you!
Have you ever heard the saying “Never skip a leg day”? In case you haven't noticed, the thighs are quite the powerhouses and the mainstay of our progress. Together with the buttocks and lower legs, they form the largest muscle group in our body. Thanks to them, we can lift more weight when doing squats with the barbell, which not only pays off visually - it also significantly improves our stability and stance. As a result, we have more strength and balance for everyday movements such as running, jumping, climbing stairs and walking. However, if you would like to train away the unwanted fat deposits by training individual muscles, we will unfortunately have to disappoint you. In order to build muscle mass and support fat loss, in addition to an effective workout, a healthy and balanced diet also plays a crucial role. Or to put it another way – to tone your thighs and define your body, you should pay attention to a calorie deficit.
What muscles does the thigh consist of?
As already mentioned, the thigh, together with the buttocks and lower legs, forms the largest muscle group in our body and is of great importance for our overall health. Most exercises work multiple muscle groups at the same time and as a result, leg training burns more calories. The front thigh is called the quadriceps and consists of 4 muscle heads. It is the strongest muscle in the body and its main job is to straighten the legs. The posterior muscles are also known as the hamstrings and are responsible for hip extension, knee flexion and inward and outward leg rotation. The thigh adductors are the inside of the thigh and their job is to pull the spread legs back to the starting position. Since the thighs have multiple sides, it's important to make sure you work all of them when training.
Thigh training: The best exercises for your dream figure
Around theto tone legsIn order to be able to see results, regular thigh training must take place. But that doesn't mean that you have to train 5 days a week - 2 to 3 training sessions are enough and this gives the body enough time to regenerate. If you want to get rid of the unloved riding pants, regular exercise in everyday life is an absolute must. Take longer walks, take the stairs when possible and walk to work or the supermarket. The good news is that you don't need any special equipment or expensive gym membership to do most hamstring exercises. A set of dumbbells, fitness bands or even aPilates Ringfor more variety are wonderful for an effective home workout.
- Squat and side kick –The good old squat is still one of the most effective exercises that should not be missing from any leg workout. It strengthens the front of the thighs and the gluteal muscles. Place your feet slightly wider than hip-width and point your toes slightly outwards. Squat deeply and lift your right leg upwards to the side as you move upwards. Squat again and repeat with your left leg. To increase the difficulty, you can either perform the exercise more dynamically or take a dumbbell in each hand.
- Chair pose with lunge –Stand upright with your legs together. Push your hips back and squat down as if you were sitting in a chair. Keep your legs together and your stomach and buttocks tense and stay in this position for a few seconds. Now lunge backwards and hold for 2-3 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
- Pliè squat with heels raised –Squat variations are available in abundance and are a great option for adding some variety to your thigh workout. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly outward. Squat deeply and lift your heels off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. It gets even more intense if you hold a kettlebell directly in front of your chest.
- Unilateral leg extensiontrains the thigh and gluteal muscles and improves our balance. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and shift your weight to your left leg. Pull your right leg towards your chest and bend your upper body forward. At the same time, stretch your right leg backwards, making sure your back remains straight and your hips are parallel to the floor. Extend your arms forward and hold the position for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat. Do a total of 3 sets of 12-13 reps per leg.
Also read:Climbing stairs every day: The benefits for your fitness
Thigh exercises for slim legs
- Box Jumpsare an integral part of everyoneCrossfit Trainingand really make our thigh muscles burn! If you are exercising at home, use a sturdy box or chair. Squat deeply and stretch your arms back. Push yourself away from the ground with all your strength and jump onto the box. To prevent injury, make sure you land softly and cleanly on it. Jump off the box again and do a total of 15 reps. Beginners can first try a simpler version – step ups. To do this, shift your weight to your left leg and climb onto the chair. Tense your buttocks and pull your right leg slightly backwards and upwards. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
- Side lungesare one of the best exercises to counteract riding breeches and are an excellent addition to your thigh training. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and take a wide step to the side. Make sure your feet remain parallel to each other and your toes point forward. Now bend your leg until it forms a 90 degree angle at the knee joint. Push off your heel with your bent leg and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other side for a total of 15 reps per leg. Advanced users can do the exercise with dumbbells.
- One-legged bridgeis a wonderful exercise for the hamstrings and trains the stomach and butt at the same time. Lie on your back and bend your legs so that you can touch your heels with your fingertips. Lift your left leg, stretch it vertically upwards and at the same time bring your pelvis towards the ceiling. Make sure your lower body forms a line. Hold down for a few seconds and slowly lower the pelvis again without resting it completely on the floor. Switch legs and repeat a total of 12-15 times on each side. It becomes even more difficult if you place a dumbbell at hip height and press it up with your body weight.
- Side leg circlesis perfect for a quick and effectiveHome Workout. Get into the classic all-fours position and keep your thighs and arms at a right angle to your upper body. Tense your stomach and extend your left leg to the side. Then do about 10 circles forwards and backwards with your toes pulled up and stretched out. To avoid putting too much strain on the knee joint, the leg should not be fully extended, but should remain slightly bent.
The thigh training for strong abdominal and core muscles
- Single-leg deadlift with weights –The deadlift is a compound exercise that simultaneously works the thighs, butt andthe core musclestrained. Stand upright and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your lower back straight and bend forward at the hips. Lift your left leg off the floor so that it is in line with your upper body. Slowly return to the starting position, do a total of 15 repetitions and switch legs.
- Side planks with leg raises –And what would a tough workout be without the good old onesPlank exercise? For this variation, support your body sideways on your elbows and lift yourself off the mat. Tense your body and slowly lift the top leg. Hold for a few seconds and lower again. Do a total of 10 reps and switch sides. Is that too easy for you? Then try using a resistance band to increase tension.