Make rose water yourself: Two methods for producing the valuable elixir

You can buy different types of facial toners at the drugstore, but how do you make natural rose water yourself? How should you store it properly and how long does it last? The numerous benefits of the natural product will convince you to make your own rose water.

For many people, roses are synonymous with romance. Its sweet scent is perhaps one of the most recognizable in the world and it's no wonder it's such a popular ingredient in perfumes. Roses have been used to make various cosmetic products for many years. One of the most famous of these is rose water, which is used by many women to cleanse their faces and which can be easily made at home.

The gentle rose water not only firms the skin, but also gives it a divine and soothing scent. You've probably already tried this elixir, but we'll explain how you can make this natural facial toner yourself. This way you can be sure that you are using a pure cleaning product that does not contain any harmful chemicals.

What are the benefits of natural rose water?

Rose water is very popular for its medicinal and therapeutic effects.It relieves sunburnand skin irritations such as acne, dandruff and rosacea. It has proven its natural, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties over the years.

A natural, homemade facial toner made from roses can be used daily and is suitable for all skin types. This makes it an ideal addition to any beauty routine.

If you are already convinced of the benefits of rose water, use these methods to achieve a radiant complexion using completely natural means.

Make your own rose water

Before you start making rose water, you should get rose petals. Harvestthe rose petals are bestin the morning, when their essential oil content is higher. If you don't have a rose bed, you can buy fresh roses from the flower shop, making sure they are free of chemicals and pesticides.

Rose color can also play a crucial role in choosing flowers. Red and pink roses are more fragrant and have more petals, while yellow, white and other roses add a lighter touch.

Pluck the petals from the stems and remove the white flower base, as this can impart a bitter note. You need a cup full of fresh petals. If you use dried, half a cup is enough. Then rinse the fresh rose petals with cold water to remove dirt and insects.

Place the petals in a pot and pour distilled water over them until they are covered. If you don't have distilled water, use filtered water.

Bring the water to a boil and allow it to simmer gently, cover the pot and turn the heat down to low. Let the petals steep until they turn pale and the liquid turns the color of roses, about 20 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and allow the liquid to cool completely.

Use a sieve or cheesecloth to filter them. Once you have drained the rose water, squeeze the liquid out of the petals. Discard the petals.

Pour the rose water into an airtight glass bottle. It is best to use amber glass bottles, or if you have a clear glass bottle, protect it from sunlight. It can be stored at room temperature for up to a week and in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Make rose water by distillation

Distillation is the traditional method of making rose water, resulting in the most concentrated rose water. However, it is more time-consuming.

  • Gather a cup of petals and rinse to remove dirt and bugs.
  • Place a small heatproof bowl in the center of a large pot. Make sure that the bowl should reach the edge of the pot.
  • Place the petals in the pot, around the bowl, being careful not to get any petals stuck under the bowl.
  • Cover with distilled water and place the lid upside down on the pot.
  • Put a few ice cubes in the lid. The ice creates condensation inside the pot and helps accelerate the steam. The condensation collects on the underside of the lid and then drips into the clean bowl.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil, adding more ice cubes as needed.
  • Turn the heat to low and simmer for 30-40 minutes.
  • Check the petals regularly until they have lost their color and then remove the pot from the heat.
  • Allow the rose water in the bowl to cool completely and pour it into a glass bottle.
  • The rose water can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

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