In some ways, flowers are like pets. They also need constant care. And if the owners are away for a long time and have not taken preventive measures, the plants can die. How can you during your summer vacation?Water plantsand keep them alive?
Even before departureWater plantsand check
Before you set off on your long-awaited summer vacation, it would be good if you gave your plants in the garden and on the balcony a little attention so that they will be healthy when you return. Remove any wilted flowers and dry and fallen leaves. They can make the soil sick, form mold, attract pests and generally weaken the plants' immunity.
Move the flower pots on the balcony so that they are in partial shade, as the soil dries out faster if you stand in the sun and can burn the leaves. Don't worry that sun-loving plants won't do well in partial shade. According to gardeners, it doesn't matter if their usual environment is changed for a week.
Water the plants – check the weather report
Don't fertilize your plants before you go on vacation. Fertilizer stimulates growth and as a result the plants need more water and care, which you cannot give them due to your absence.
Also check the weather forecast. So you can choose the right way toWater plantschoose. If thunderstorms are forecast, you don't need to water your garden much before you leave. In contrast, you must water the plants abundantly or moisten the soil well if hot days are expected.
How you can best water your plants before you leave for your summer vacation
TheWatering the plants while on vacationis the biggest problem for gardeners. Here are a few tips on how to deal with yours in advanceWater plantsensure that they survive until you return.
1.Water plantswith a bottle of water
You need a plastic bottle. The size depends on how large the flower pot you want to water.
Poke a few holes in the lid. Insert the bottle into the soil so that the lid is below the soil. In this way, the plant takes as much water as it needs. You can do the same thing in the garden, except that you poke holes in the bottom of the bottle and dig it into the ground.
2. An improvised greenhouse
You'll need a few larger plastic bags. Arrange wooden shish kebab skewers so they can hold up the bag you place over each individual plant. In this way, the water does not evaporate from the soil as quickly and the plants receive more moisture.
3. Water plants using a plant tray
Take a tray or tray and fill it with stones so that the bottom is completely covered. Fill it with water and place the flower pots (without the pot saucer) on the stones.
4. Water plants using a thick wool thread
While you're away, you can also do this in an interesting wayWater plants. You will need a washing bowl or a larger jug full of water. Place the thread in there until it is soaked with water. Bury one end 2-3 cm deep and leave the other end in the water. Secure this end securely to the pot or bowl so that the thread does not hang due to moisture. The water container must also be higher than the flower pot so that the water can run down the thread.
5. Water plants in a tub for the flowers
Fill a baby bath, a larger wash basin or the bathtub in the bathroom with water. The floor should be completely covered with water. Distribute the flower pots in it without their saucers. You can also first put towels in the water and place the pots on them, or you can spread bricks in the water on which you then place the flower pots. The deeper the container, the better, as the water is absorbed more slowly by the plants.
6. A pre-vacation shower to water plants
If you are only going to be away for 3-4 days, it is enough to shower the plants with cool water before leaving and place them in water for a short time so that the soil can absorb enough water.
Don't forget that most plants can't survive without water and care for more than a week. If you are going to be away for a long time, ask a neighbor or friend to check on you every now and then.