Dip Dye Hair: The new hair trend for 2021 looks so refreshing and cool!

VonShadow RootsaboveBoard Balayageto vibrant pink hair - the choice of coloring techniques to freshen up our hairstyles seems endless this year. Hair trends are now a dime a dozen and there is certainly something for every taste. But the great variety can sometimes feel quite overwhelming and you can quickly lose track. Would we like to change our haircut or would we rather try out a new hair color? And just when we thought we'd seen it all, a whole new hype comes our way from the USA and it's Dip Dye Hair. The eye-catching coloring technique involves dyeing the ends of your hair a contrasting hair color and the look is perfect for anyone who wants a change but doesn't want to dye their entire mane straight away! Numerous stars and fashion influencers have already taken the step and are showing us how much fun colorful hair can be! Have we piqued your interest? Then read on and find out everything you should know about the unusual hairstyle trend!

What is Dip Dye Hair?

The term Dip Dye Hair comes from English and so “dip” means immersion and “dye” means color. As mentioned, the coloring technique involves dyeing the ends of the hair in a contrasting color and the end result should look as if we have dipped our hair into a pot of dye - hence the name. When it comes to colors, there are absolutely no limits to your creativity and you can choose any shade you want. Think pastel pink, blue, purple or why notdye your hair green– Anything you like is allowed! And the best part? Regardless of whether you're a blonde or brunette, there's guaranteed to be a shade that can instantly refresh your entire look.

How to find the perfect shade for you

Just like withTwo Tone HairHere, too, it's not about a natural look, but rather about conspicuousness. The brighter and brighter the ends of the hair, the better! But in order to show off your hair skillfully, you should choose a color that suits your hair and skin tone. Bright colors such as pink are suitable for lighter and blonde hair, while dark-haired women should prefer darker shades such as green, blue or purple.Gray hairare one of the hottest hair trends of the year and can also be perfectly combined with dip dye hair. If you have bleached your hair before, you can use any shade you want and create your own work of art. However, the role of our styling and outfit should not be underestimated and ideally the color of the lace can also be found in our clothes. This makes the dip dye hair a real statement and the overall picture looks much more harmonious.

What is the difference between dip dye hair and ombré?

Tie dye hair is often confused with ombré hair, and although it also involves dyeing the ends of your hair a different color, the two techniques are significantly different. The ombré look is characterized by a natural color gradient and is intended to look as if we have just returned from a beach vacation. With tie dye hair, on the other hand, bright and eye-catching hair colors are used and more emphasis is placed on an eye-catching statement look. The basic rule is “the brighter and more colorful, the better”.

This is how you can achieve the trendy look at home

Dip dye hair is fun and looks great – that’s for sure. Although the coloring technique itself is not that complicated, we would recommend that you get your hair colored by a professional. Depending on how dark the original color is, the hair may need to be bleached first. The hairdresser can also recommend a hair color that suits your skin tone and ensure an even distribution when dyeing. But if you feel brave enough and can do dip dye hair yourself, we will explain to you below how it works best.

  • First, buy a bright hair color of your choice.
  • Fill a large bowl with water and add a large dollop of color and stir well until completely dissolved.
  • It's best to wear an old T-shirt and put on gloves to avoid any possible stains on your hands.
  • Before you dip your hair into the water, you should think carefully about where you want to start the dip dye hair and how much of it you want to dye.
  • Now carefully dip the hair into the colored water and leave it like that for a few seconds.
  • For a more vibrant effect, mix a little hair color with a little hair conditioner and brush it onto the ends of your hair.
  • Wrap the tips with aluminum foil and let the color work for the prescribed time.
  • Rinse with shampoo and voilà – your dip dye hair is ready!

Dip Dye Hair: The most beautiful looks to restyle at a glance

Green hair is becoming more and more popular and looks very refreshing

The combination of red and blonde looks a little more subtle, but just as chic and eye-catching

Blonde hair with pink tips is a match made in heaven

Dip dye hair in blue is a wonderful way to add some vibrancy to your black head of hair

Want to try out the hairstyle trend without doing anything too extreme? Then do like Alexa Chung and opt for brown hair with blonde tips

Pastel pink tips add a refreshing and summery touch to your bob