Blue eyes make up over 50: Here are the best make -up tips to hide loopholes!

The aging may bring his challenges, but not looking good should be. We are looking for the secretof a flawless make-up with over 50Made, because as our skin changes over the years, our beauty needs change. Blue eyes are soothing and beautiful to look at, but the wrong make-up can make them appear blunt and pale. With the right make-up, on the other hand, you can emphasize your beautiful blue eyes and make them appear larger. In this article we reveal how you can make blue eyes on 50 and make them shine.

Blue eyes and loopholes put on make -up from 50

Women over 50 mostly wonder how they can make up loopholes and create a breathtaking view. We have put together the best make -up tips here! And you discover some of the most common make-up errors over 50In this article.

1. Eceptual skin: primer face and eyelids

Just as an artist begins with an empty canvas, you should first get an even complexion. Apply a primer to your entire face and eyelids. If you have greasy eyelids or your eyeshadow is not liable, use an Eyeshadow Primer instead. This reinforces the color of the eyeshadow so that it appears brighter, which in turn also makes her eyes appear larger. Now that your eyelids are finished, it's time for the eyeshadow!

Which eyeshadow emphasizes blue eyes?

One of the best ways toto emphasize blue eyes, is the use of eyeshadow in contrast colors. This means that you should choose eyes shadows in neutral and warm colors that face blue and green on the color circle. Here are some suggestions:

  • For nude and earth tones, use beige, camel, taupe, terracotta and warm brown.
  • For warm colors you can use peach, pink and rosé. Warm violet with red under tones, e.g. B. plum is also well suited for blue eyes.

Choose an eyeshadow color that fits the occasion. Here are some examples:

  • For a slight daily make-up from 50, rely on brown, pink, terracotta and nude tones.
  • Lavender and bright purple tones are well suited for events a day, while dark plum tones for evening events are ideal.
  • If you go to an appointment or a chic dinner, you are with metallic eyelid shadows, e.g. B. gold, silver, copper and bronze, just right.

Make up the eyes larger from 50

1. In order to put on the slide -free puree and hide, you should use the game between light and dark. Depending on your skin color, take an eyeshadow that is a little brighter than your skin tone, e.g. B. a light pink or cream. Apply the eyeshadow with a flat brush to the entire lid, so that it almost extends to the eyebrow, but not quite. Make sure that the eyeshadow is well blinded and the entire eye area covers.

2. If you like metallic eyelid shadows, you should not distribute it all over the lid, but rather apply a small amount directly in the middle of the eyelid. Shimmering eyeshadow can look too bright in older women and should be used sparingly and consciously.

3. Now we want to create a larger lid with eyeshadow and a larger eyelid fold! Take a color for the lid fold that is one or two shades darker than your skin color. You can use a warm brown for blue eyes. Apply the eyeshadow with a creak brush a little above your natural wrinkle. It requires some practice, but if you have got used to it, it is very quick.

4. Then blend comes with a good oneBlending Pinsel. Avoid bringing the eyeshadow too close to the inner eyebrow. In this way, open the eye and create the illusion of a higher eyelid fold.

Apply eyeliner from 50

5. Now take a kohl or eyeliner and apply it in short lines on the lash line. Make sure that you pull the eyeliner as close as possible along your eyelash wreath. Don't worry if the line looks uneven, because next we will blur it with a brush. Just stroke the eyeliner to show a smoky look. You can do more on the topic of eyelid stroke over 50Read here.

6. After blinding the Eyeliner, the CRASE Brush apply a color that is at least two to three nuances darker, in the outer eyelid fold and on the edge of the eye. This opens the eye area even more and can give your look a dramatic and breathtaking touch.

At the beginning, if you still learn how to make up from 50, the result may not be optimal. With a little practice, however, you will create more and more playful eyeshadow looks that every visagist would be proud of. Just remember that your face is the canvas and you are the painter who creates a breathtaking eye make-up with light and dark eyeshadow!