As we all know and have experienced, it canApplying eyelinergo wrong very quickly. And as the years go by, it can become a little more difficult to create the perfect eyeliner over 50 for many reasons. As we get older, our eyesight gradually decreases, we develop droopy eyelids, the elasticity of our eyelids decreases, or our hands are no longer quite as steady as they used to be... or a combination of the factors mentioned. But luckily there are some tools and techniques that make applying eyeliner much easier. With a thin eyeliner over 50, your eyes will appear larger and more open!
Eyeliner over 50 – This is what you should pay attention to
As our eyelashes become lighter, shorter and less thick as we age, it is more important than ever to enhance our eyes with makeup by giving them more definition and depth. With an eyeliner, not only do our eyelashes appear fuller and thicker, but the shape of our eyes is better defined. So here are some tips that will hopefully make applying eyeliner easier for older women.
Tip #1:Buy a magnifying mirror or magnifying glasses for makeup. As scary as these products may be, they are definitely essential to making sure you can really see what you're doing.
Tip #2:It may help to sit down, rest your elbows on a firm surface, and place your pinky finger on your cheek. These three things provide more stability when applying eyeliner.
Tip #3:Wear oneEyeshadow primer or concealeron the entire eye area and also under the eye. The primer ensures that all eye products last longer - especially if you have oily or droopy eyelids.
Tip #4:Choose an eyeliner that is easy to apply and glides over the eyelid so it doesn't pull or tear on the delicate skin around the eyes. And since many of us struggle with easily watery eyes, choosing a waterproof eyeliner can also help.
Which eyeliner products are easiest to apply?
It's important to think about what type of eyeliner to use. There are so many different options: we can choose between creams, gels, pencils, liquid eyeliners or eyeshadows. The easiest thing to apply is best. For most women over 50, eyeliner or eyeshadow are the easiest products to apply.
It is best to use an automatic eyeliner pencil. And if you're using a pencil that needs to be sharpened, make sure it's sharpened before you start applying your eyeliner.
Tip: To ensure that the eye pencil does not break when sharpening, you should put it in the refrigerator before applying make-up.
Two techniques to draw an eyeliner over 50
The first technique is called tightlining. With this technique, the eyeliner is applied under the lash line in the waterline of the eye. Tightlining is particularly helpful for older women with droopy eyelids, as there is often not much room on the lids to apply eyeliner. Tightlining creates more definition around the eye and can also help the eyeliner look a little softer and less intense. Tightlining can look a little intimidating and may not be for everyone, but once you practice and get used to it, it becomes much easier.
How to do tightlining
Place a finger gently in the center of the eyelid and gently pull it up. Then take a waterproof eyeliner and draw a very fine line as close to the lash line as possible. Then keep your eye open for a few seconds so that the eyeliner does not smear on the lower eyelid. If it does happen, just take a cotton swab and carefully remove it. If you have very sensitive eyes, choose a soft eyeliner that won't irritate your eyes.
Apply eyeliner above the lash line
Pull the eye slightly taut to avoid uneven eyeliner. Then apply the eyeliner as close to the lash line as possible - or even between the lashes. A tip that can be helpful is to just make dots or small strokes and then blend them together with a blender (also called a smudger), a small brush or a cotton swab.
Try different tools
It's also important to note that applying eyeliner along the upper lash line can be easier using different tools. For example, take a small, slanted brush and rub it over the eyeliner pencil several times to absorb the eyeliner pigment.
Then you can use the brush - which is much softer than an eye pencil - to apply the eyeliner. If you want, you can then smudge the eyeliner with a brush, a smudger or a cotton swab.
And if you're still not completely satisfied with the look of the eyeliner, there's something else you can do that works wonderfully: you can go over the eyeliner with an eyeshadow to blur it out a little more. The eyeshadow works wonders to hide any flaws.