Colorful eyeliners: The right color accent for every eye color

Whether you want a classic look for a night out or something bolder, colorful eyeliners are the safest way to go when you want to create a unique makeup look.

Eyeliner has been a staple in makeup routines for centuries as it enhances the eyes and adds definition. There are a variety of types and styles to experiment with, from subtle and natural to bold and dramatic. And although black is a classic makeup color, you should opt for colorful eyeliners if you want to really spice up your look.

Whether you're applying glamorous or everyday makeup, colorful eyeliners are an essential tool for creating an eye-catching look. But which color should you prefer given the huge selection? While there are no hard and fast rules, your natural eye color can be a good starting point. If you want to draw attention to your eyes this fall, read on to make sure which eyeliner is best for you.

Emphasize brown eyes correctly

Women with brown eyes can wear almost any color of makeup they like.

If you want to make your eyes appear brighter, opt for a green eyeliner.

If green isn't your color, try brightening up your look with bright blue. But a reddish-brown eyeliner can also give brown eyes new dimension. Add more variety with gray, silver or purple tones.

Monochromatischer Look

If you have chosen a colorful, bright eyeliner, you can also combine it with mascara in the matching shade. There aren't as many color options for mascara as there are for eyeliner, but common colors include jewel tones like burgundy and emerald green.

What color for green eyes?

Pink and purple eyeliners are perfect for green-eyed women. To emphasize the green tones in your eyes, apply eggplant eyeliner.

Red tones are also ideal for making up green eyes; you should prefer rust and reddish-brown tones. Be careful, however, as too much red can make your eyes look irritated or tired.

No matter what color you choose, don't forget to complete your look with a bold layer of blackTo top it off with mascara.

Colorful eyeliners: Wear bright colors

If you're wondering how to wear bright eyeliner, we recommend matching it to your outfit. Choose a piece of clothing in the same color to complete your look.

Make blue eyes shine

If you have blue eyes, then gold, bronze and warm brown tones are the best choice for you. Blue eyes benefit most from darker shades, which make them shine even more and increase contrast.

But metallic tones and bright colors like green can also make blue eyes mysterious and fascinating.

Don't forget to draw a thin line of eyelid along the lower lash line to complete the look.

Emphasize the color of your eyes with purple eyeliner

If you are looking for makeup that will enhance your blue eye color, you should try this bold purple color. A single eyeliner is enough to emphasize the eyes and create a stunning look.

Make up gray eyes with colorful eyeliner

Gray is a rare eye color that usually appears dark gray, gray-blue or gray-green. If your eyes are gray, you can enhance the color by pairing them with an equally smoky and cool-toned eyeliner.

Opt for royal blue or blue-toned purples to accentuate the different aspects of your eyes.

If you're unsure about these bold colors, try a black or brown for your eyes firstEyeliner to outlineand then wearing a bolder color over it. In this way, the strong color is toned down a little without losing the color accent.

Combine colorful eyeliner with eyeshadow

Use colorful eyeliners as an accent to an existing look. It is important that the eyeliner is so pigmented that it forms a clear contrast to the eyeshadow and is visible. For this reason, choose softer, pastel tones for eyeshadow and a jewel tone for eyeliner.

Combine two colors

If you're not ready to say goodbye to your black eyeliner, this might be the best way to add colorful eyeliner to your eyes. Keep the top and bottom eyeliner different but complementary to enhance your makeup look in an interesting way.