With the right make-up, the eyes look even more expressive. Whether a natural everyday look with kohl in the lash line, playful with curved eyeliner for the first date or more dramatic with cat eyes in the club: the eyeliner is the absolute all-rounder. But dealing with the product is actually not that easy. Particularly inexperienced hands need to be trained to achieve a successful end result. Many women make some mistakes that are then difficult to conceal. We take on the challenge, take a closer look at the most common make-up mistakes and show you how to apply eyeliner correctly.
Apply eyeliner correctly: an overview of the products and brushes
No other make-up product can achieve so much: with an eyeliner the little ones becomeEyes highlighted, the ones that are far apart – visually brought closer together and the drooping eyelids – concealed. In order to achieve an expressive and open look, you should not only have a safe hand, but also use the right product and the right brush. Here are the three options you can choose from:
– Apply a liquid eyeliner with an eyeliner brush for precise eyeliner.
– A gel eyeliner is easy to use and can also be used without a brush.
– A felt-tip eyeliner is ideal for beginners. You don't need a brush for him.
– Kajal can be fixed with a flat brush and can be blended with a pencil brush.
The 6 most common mistakes
1. Use a blunt eyeliner pencil
Wrong (right):Draw an eyeliner with a blunt eyeliner pencil. Result: a broad, imprecise line that is difficult to correct.
Right (left):Using a sharpened eyeliner pencil, draw a thin, precise eyeliner close to the lash line.
2. Do not apply primer
Incorrect:Apply the eyeliner pencil without primer, do not blend with a brush. Result: The eyeliner doesn't last long and smudges over the course of the day.
Correct:Always apply powder or a light eye shadow as a primer. If necessary, lightly blend the line with a brush.
3. Do not work close to the lash line
Wrong (right):Not working close enough to the lash line. Result: Gaps arise.
Right (left):Draw the eyeliner very close to the lash line or even directly between the lashes. Then blur the gaps with a pencil brush.
4. Draw the line on the lower eyeliner too thick
Wrong (right):Apply black eyeliner thickly to the lower eyelid. The result: the eye is optically reduced in size.
Right (left):A thin and precisely drawn line makes the eye shape stand out better.
5. Apply black eyeliner to the inner edge of the eyelid
Wrong (right):Also apply the eyeliner to the inner edge of the eyelid. Result: The eyes appear tired and small.
Correct (right):Apply the eyeliner to the outer edge of the eyelid. Then emphasize the eye with light eyeshadow.
6. Try to draw the wing swingingly.
Wrong (right):Inexperienced hands find it difficult to draw the wing in a sweeping manner. Result: A thick line that is difficult to correct.
Right (left):Make two or three individual lines and then connect them and color them.
How to draw the perfect eyeliner
This is how you get the perfect eyeliner line. First, place the eyeliner pencil or gel eyeliner in the middle of the eyelid and draw a short eyeliner.
Place the eyeliner as close to the lash line as possible. If necessary, if gaps appear, blend the eyeliner with a pencil brush.
Then connect the line towards the inner corner of the eye. Then fix the eyeliner with a flat eyeliner brush and black eye shadow.
To create the wing, draw a line upwards from the outer corner of the lower eyelid. Smudge lightly with the pencil brush.
Allow the eyeliner to taper upwards at the outer corner of the eye. Connect the two lines and fill in the gap.