There are different types of people, some are winter types, others are more summer types. The former can be recognized by their light skin and dark hair, like Snow White in the fairy tale of the same name. The second type also has light skin, but also lighter-toned hair. Depending on which category someone belongs to, colors or certain cuts of clothing suit them better or less. Pastel colors suit the summer type very well. This tutorial shows how people of this type best dress to emphasize their assets and how to recognize summer types.
A rosy, delicate undertone of the skin that sometimes has a bluish shimmer - this is what defines this guy's complexion. Some tan quite quickly, others hardly at all and therefore get sunburned quickly. TheHair is mostly blondeto brown, they often also have an ashy tone. The eyes, in turn, are colored in shades of blue; pure blue occurs as well as aquamarine and gray-green. Aside from these nuances, a hazelnut or dark brown coloring of the iris is also possible.
The colors for the summer type should be chosen according to the personality - this type can sometimes be recognized by the character. A variety of interests are often a character trait of the summer type. His lifestyle is life-affirming, he is also a good listener and is therefore often asked by friends for advice. Helpfulness, sincerity and loyalty are strong aspects of his personality.
Colors for the summer type - what suits and what doesn't suit?
It should be cool and steamed; Mauve, denim blue, pink and lilac are excellent colors for the summer type. Cooler pastel tones as well as all rosé nuances are also good tips for the summer type. This emphasizes the pink, delicate background of the skin, so that people do not appear pale and sick despite their paleness, but rather have healthy, fresh skin. With other colors, such as bright yellow, the skin often appears a little sickly and pale, as the subtle pink and bluish shimmer of the skin are masked instead of emphasized.
The clothing style – classic-romantic
Depending on personal preference, some people like to wear sporty clothing and others prefer a business look. The summer type, on the other hand, should rely on neither. Classic-romantic looks particularly good on women, as it underlines their feminine nature. The pieces don't have to be plain, but also playful, for example with floral patterns. Men, on the other hand, should pay more attention to clear shapes; playful patterns are not an option.
Here too, it is important to know its type so that the right colors can be selected. Otherwise, the wow effect that the make-up is supposed to achieve will quickly be destroyed. When it comes to make-up, summer types primarily prefer natural foundation and subtle eyeshadow. However, stronger colors should be applied to the lips, for example a dark burgundy red.
Knowing the type of season is important
If you're not sure what colors suit you and always seem to choose the wrong clothes or make-up colors, you should find out what type of season you are. This makes it clear which colors suit you and which don't. This reduces the likelihood of a bad purchase. If you dress according to your type, you will quickly notice that your clothes look better on you and the compliments will become more frequent. If you don't want to afford expensive color advice, you can take your cue from stars; If you have a similar type, for example pale skin and dark hair, you probably have the same seasonal type.